• Coast Guard Academy Banishes Unvaxed Cadets In A Fit Of Vengeance After Other Services Win Lawsuits Against Vaccine Mandate

    August 25, 2022
    United States Coast Guard Academy

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    In a disgusting tyrannical move, the U.S. Coast Guard Academy has banished 7 cadets from the grounds for being unvaccinated, even though multiple lawsuits have stopped other services from continuing to impose the vaccine mandates.

    Below is a press release from STARRS.us, a group of service academy graduates.

    U.S. Coast Guard Academy Jettisons Unvaccinated Cadets

    COLORADO SPRINGS, CO - 08/25/2022 -- STARRS has learned that seven cadets at the U.S. Coast Guard Academy (USCGA) were banished from the grounds recently and given 24 hours to “get out” for failure to comply with what is likely an illegal order to receive the Covid-19 vaccination.  

    Three separate courts have imposed service-wide injunctions stopping adverse actions against members of the Navy, Air Force and Marine Corps who have sincerely held religious objections to the Covid 19 vax.

     A request for a similar injunction regarding Coast Guard personnel is being reviewed.  "What’s the rush?  The cadets pose no danger to others," said Ron Scott, USAF-Ret (Col.), STARRS President.   Multiple press reports indicate there are several hundred thousand in the military who have yet to be vaccinated with zero evidence of any harm to readiness or danger to others who serve. 

    The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has now acknowledged the experimental vaccine does not prevent the acquisition or spread of infection.  Major concerns about its present and future adverse side-effects are being ignored.  "This raises profound questions regarding the legality of the Covid-19 vaccine mandate," Scott said.  Among the most compelling concerns are the lack of proper informed consent, blanket denial of legitimate religious exemptions, and the legal distinction between the Emergency Use Only vaccine in use and the FDA approved Comirnaty product, Scott noted. 

    All branches of the armed forces are experiencing a recruiting crisis. "It is nonsensical to dismiss seven highly qualified USCGA cadets, who have expressed a fervent desire to serve their country," said Scott. "When will politicians and military leaders have the courage to put an end to this tyrannical mistreatment of citizens?"  

    STARRS is raising funds for the legal defense of those whose lives, careers and honor are under attack by the nation that they have sacrificed to serve.

    For more information or to donate, visit https://www.STARRS.US  The organization is a 501(c)(3).


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    The BEST - Those in perfect health, including a fully functional immune system.
    The BRIGHTEST - Those smart enough to avoid forced 'vaxtermination".
    Getting rid of these doesn't leave much, IMO.

    Bob Smith

    Let's be honest, of all the service branches, Coast Guard is the wimpiest, and now, their leadship shows they are the weaniest.


    More wussycrat control freaks in charge.


    I too am in the CG and facing separation. If anyone out there knows who can help, please send a reply. The CG has left us in the dark and isn’t helping much in terms of transitioning to the civilian world. My family and I are walking purely by faith at this moment.

    Amy Williams

    Reach out to The Committee to Support and Defend- Colonel Allen West- and the STARRS organization may know who can help you- God Bless you and your family- no career is worth your health- praying for you, and all of our Military❤️


    Liberty Counsel, hands down. My son was a US Marine who got discharged over the shot. Liberty Counsel was the only group out of almost a dozen that I contacted who reached out to me to help. All of the others said they couldn't help and then asked for a donation.

    Every American

    These cadets need to hire attorneys and sue the Coast Guard for millions!

    Get rich at the expense of leftist shitheads who have no business running a branch of the military - even the most ridiculous branch.


    Great idea, however, the New World Order Justice system will support the Coast Guard and rule against anyone who does nor comply.

    Jeffrey Hall

    Why do people have such a hard on for the Coast Guard? They never pretended to be any other branch of the military, and they are the best at what they do. I recall that the subjects of our search and rescues were damned glad to see us arrive when they were sure they were moments from a watery death. The U.S. Navy shipriders were amazed at how many different jobs each CG crewmember could do during the two REFTRA's I was a part of. They were used to each Navy rating knowing how to do one thing. We got to paint an awful lot of E's on our ship during each one.


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