• Inflation Is Voters' Biggest Concern Going Into Midterm Elections

    November 8, 2022
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    The Treasury Department Seal

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    According to an Economist/YouGov poll of 1,500 voters in the first week of November reported that 68 percent claim that they will be considering inflation "a lot" while at the polls in this midterm election. The only issue that was ranked higher was the economy at 73 percent higher. Abortion, gun control, and the border all came in after the country's growing economic woes.

    Despite the Biden administration passing the Inflation Reduction Act, prices have continued to soar to 40-year highs. The plan, which most economists agreed would do practically nothing to reduce inflation, certainly did nothing to help Biden's approval rating. According to the Economist/YouGov poll, a mere 32 percent of Americans polled supported Biden's solution to inflation while a staggering 54 percent disapproved of Biden's handling of inflation with 40 percent of people stating that they strongly disapprove.

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    Adding to the inflation problem is the fact that Biden's voter base doesn't see soaring prices as an issue. Only 9 percent of self-described liberals feel that inflation is the top issue this election cycle while only 15 percent of Biden voters say that inflation is the top concern. Only 18 percent of Democrats think that inflation is the biggest issue while 26 percent of moderates and 28 percent of independent voters believe that it is the main issue of the 2022 midterms.

    Democrats, the party pushing racial disparity and division across the country, faces another concern regarding inflation and the demographics they so highly covet. According to the Economist/YouGov poll, 71 percent of black voters also agree that inflation will be at the front of their minds as they cast their ballots on election day. Furthermore, 32 percent of black voters disapprove of Biden's handling of inflation while only 16 percent strongly approve of Biden's inflation plan with another 31 percent somewhat approving of it.

    Among Hispanics, 62 percent say they will be thinking a lot about inflation at the polls with 46 stating that they disapprove of Biden's handling of the issue. Meanwhile, a solid 69 percent of white voters will be focused on inflation while voting with 61 percent disapproving of the way the Biden administration has addressed the rising cost of living.

    While neither side can vote away inflation, voters can cast ballots for candidates who vow to cut the overspending that helped to cause this economic disaster and who have a solid, reasonable solution to clean up Biden's mess.


    Jen Snow

    Jen Snow is a former paralegal turned freelance writer who has a passion for foreign affairs. When not writing, she can be found curled up with her dog and a good book or outside playing in the Florida sun.
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