December 25, 2022
    Image by DonkeyHotey

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    On 22 December 2022, the US Senate passed the $1.7 Trillion Omnibus Bill.  The disastrous bill funds the US federal government through the end of fiscal year 2023.  Just as in the November 2022 election, politicians won and America lost.

    The following RINOs (Republicans in Name Only) voted for the bill and gave Brandon an undeserved Christmas gift that saddled US taxpayers with hundreds of billions in debt, ended Title 42, funded abortion clinics, gave $40+ Billion to Ukraine while neglecting our own border, hiked DoD spending to record levels, weaponized the federal government against gun owners, and mocked deficit reduction speech.   Worse the RINOs eviscerated the incoming GOP House of Representatives by denying them their best weapon to restore democracy in America – the power of the purse.  The GOP assumes control of the house 3 January 2023.  The Senate Republican leadership could have filibustered the bill, passed an interim budget measure, or used any other pragmatic means of preventing the abomination from coming to life until the GOP controlled the House in a mere 12 DAYS.  Kindergarten chess teams have more strategy and courage than GOP Senate leaders it seems.  Not surprisingly, Arizona Senator Krysten Sinema, who just weeks ago claimed to have left the Democrat party, predictably voted for the Omnibus Bill.  Title 42’s expiration undoubtedly means more border violence, federal expenditures, and fentanyl deaths.  Most illegal fentanyl comes across the Southern border.

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    Many of the same RINOs sabotaged GOP efforts to retake the House and Senate in the November 2022 election.  They will likely provide excuses after their ill-deserved holiday break, but there are none that are acceptable.  There was no crisis even with a shutdown.  They created one by opening the border and funding Biden’s evil schemes.  It will now be another year before Biden’s reckless spending and agenda can be put in check.  Worse, Congress hasn’t passed a budget on time in over 10 years and hasn’t passed a balanced (non-deficit budget) in over 20 years.  Recall some of the same RINOs on the Senate Armed Services Committee refused to block the nomination for a 4th star for Darryl Williams (infamous USMA Superintendent) because it would have cut into the Senators’ precious vacation time.  I stand among many in the health care and medical profession who work through vacations and holidays and expect our lawmakers to do the same in service to our country.

    The 18 traitors from the GOP who cowardly removed Title 42 provisions and approved the bill are listed below:

    Blunt, Roy Missouri Moran, Jerry Kansas

    Boozman, John Arkansas Murkowski, Lisa Alaska

    Capito, Shelley West Virginia Portman, Rob Ohio

    Collins, Susan Maine Romney, Mitt Utah

    Cornyn, John Texas Rounds, Mike South Dakota

    Cotton, Tom Arkansas Shelby, Richard Alabama

    Graham, Lindsey South Carolina Thune, John South Dakota

    Inhofe, James Oklahoma Wicker, Roger Mississippi

    McConnell, Mitch Kentucky Young, Todd Indiana

    To commemorate the 12 Days of RINO evils inflicted on the country, here is a song, best performed with a broken guitar while the listener is being simultaneously beaten by hardened criminals released on $0 bail and having their wallets stolen by RINOs.  The RINO chorus was unavailable to sing the song; they snuck out of the Senate Chamber overnight to enjoy their undeserved holiday break while Title 42 expires, and America suffers.


    RINO 12 Days of Christmas

    On the first day of Christmas, the RINOs gave to me, RINO support for Brandon’s schemes.

    On the second day of Christmas, the RINOs gave to me, 2 Trillion in debt,

    And RINO support for Brandon’s schemes.

    On the third day of Christmas, the RINOs gave to me, 3 Million illegals,

    2 Trillion in debt, and RINO support for Brandon’s schemes.

    On the fourth day of Christmas, the RINOs gave to me, 4 Thousand pages,

    3 Million illegals, 2 Trillion in debt, and RINO support for Brandon’s schemes.

    On the fifth day of Christmas, the RINOs gave to me, 5 Elections stolen.

    4 Thousand pages, 3 Million illegals, 2 Trillion in debt, and RINO support for Brandon’s


    On the sixth day of Christmas, the RINOs gave to me, 6 Liars lying,

    5 Elections stolen, 4 Thousand pages, 3 Million illegals, 2 Trillion in debt, and RINO 

    support for Brandon’s schemes.

    On the seventh day of Christmas, the RINOs gave to me, 70 Thousand opiate deaths,

    6 Liars lying, 5 Elections stolen, 4 Thousand pages, 3 Million illegals, 2 Trillion in debt, 

    and RINO support for Brandon’s schemes.

    On the eighth day of Christmas, the RINOs gave to me, 8 Hundred Billion for Milley,

    70 Thousand opiate deaths, 6 Liars lying, 5 Elections stolen, 4 Thousand pages, 3 Million 

    illegals, 2 Trillion in debt, and RINO support for Brandon’s schemes.

    On the ninth day of Christmas, the RINOs gave to me, 9 Percent inflation,

    8 Hundred billion for Milley, 70 Thousand opiate deaths, 6 Liars lying, 5 Elections stolen,

    4 Thousand pages, 3 Million illegals, 2 Trillion in debt, and RINO support for Brandon’s


    On the tenth day of Christmas, the RINOs gave to me, 10 More months of pain,

    9 Percent inflation, 8 Hundred billion for Milley, 70 Thousand opiate deaths, 6 Liars 

    lying, 5 Elections stolen, 4 Thousand pages, 3 Million illegals, 2 Trillion in debt, and RINO

    support for Brandon’s schemes.

    On the eleventh day of Christmas, the RINOs gave to me, 11 Abortion clinics,

    10 More months of pain, 9 Percent inflation, 8 Hundred billion for Milley, 70 Thousand 

    opiate deaths, 6 Liars lying, 5 Elections stolen, 4 Thousand pages, 3 Million illegals, 2

    Trillion in debt, and RINO support for Brandon’s schemes.

    On the twelfth day of Christmas, the RINOs gave to me, 12 Anti-gun laws,

    11 Abortion clinics, 10 More months of pain, 9 Percent inflation, 8 Hundred billion for 

    Milley, 70 Thousand opiate deaths, 6 Liars lying, 5 Elections stolen, 4 Thousand pages, 

    3 Million illegals, 2 Trillion in debt, and RINO support for Brandon’s schemes.

    John Hughes, MD
    Emergency Physician

    USMA Grad, Veteran of OIF/OEF

    1 Christmas song made popular in 1909 by English composer Frederic Austin.


    John Hughes

    Emergency Physician. United States Military Academy Class of 1996. #1 graduate. 3rd Generation West Pointer. 4 combat tours of duty in Iraq and Afghanistan. www.americandoctor.org Member of STARRS.US & MacArthur Society of West Point Graduates.
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    Until people realize that THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A RINO, this problem will continue until America is dead if it isn't already. By not knowing your enemy, you WILL lose the battles and we WILL lose the war!

    By minimizing the deleterious effects on our society by the acts of Republicrats, you cannot fight back because you are giving a pass to a "party" that is no better than the D'rats!

    Did you not learn your lesson from the years of "Give us the House," "Give us the House and the Senate," "Give us the House, the Senate, and the White House and we will defund and repeal Obamacare? The first thing they did when we gave them what they wanted was to move the goal posts, it became Repeal and Replace. Who said we wanted it replaced? They then moved to globalist, technocrat Ryan writing a replacement bill that was in some ways worse than Obamacare. That bought them time until they found the one who would fall on his sword and give the win to Obamacare - just like the R'rats wanted!

    You need to understand that the two major parties are not adversarial but complementary to each other. In brief, the D'rats are communist, the R'rats are crony capitalists who have joined together as they march our country toward globalism and a far worse existence than communism alone.

    Stop feeding the R'rats by not understanding they are as bad as the D'rats. What we need is a new set of tools to fight for the life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness [property] our Founding Fathers knew were granted to us by God. We need a machine, a party, that will guarantee the sanctity of our God-given rights and shed their alliance to crony capitalism by embracing the principles of the free market.

    Th R'rats are too far gone to be fixed. We must have better! Stop protecting the R'rats with this lie that there are only a handful of bad actors and we'll just "primary them out." Primary them out HAS NOT WORKED! Maybe there can be some change for the better, but that can't happen until people realize that RINOs are no more real than unicorns!

    Victor Anderson

    H00AH !


    We knnow they're the Uniparty. Their love of money has sold us out, with no recourse for the American people.


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