• New California Law That Punishes Doctors For Providing 'False' Covid Information Takes Effect

    January 4, 2023
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    On January 1, a new California law went into effect that allows the state to punish doctors for providing "false information about Covid-19 vaccinations and treatments." The new law dictates that the state's Medical Board can categorize sharing what it deems to be false information - things like the effectiveness of Ivermectin or the ineffectiveness of the vaccine - as professional misconduct. The bill essentially mandates that whatever information about Covid-19 the state decides is false cannot be shared by physicians and can result in the doctor's medical license being revoked.

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    Two California doctors challenged the law claiming that it restricted their freedom of speech and that it was "vague" under the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment of the Constitution.

    The physicians lost their suit when Biden Nominee Judge Fred Slaughter denied the request to halt the law. Slaughter's ruling declared that the misinformation law was more important than free speech and that it fell "within the longstanding tradition of regulations on the practice of medical treatments."

    The fight is not over, however, as a new lawsuit was filed in the US District Court for the Eastern District of California by Physicians for Informed Consent with the Plaintiffs, including physician LeTrinh Hoang and Children's Health Defense, in early December. That legal action argues that the state of California has weaponized the ambiguous term "misinformation" and has thus targeted doctors who disagree with the State's view of Covid-19.

    PIC member and cardiologist Sanjay Verma, M.D. has tracked and cataloged CDC errors. He has provided for the lawsuit what he refers to as "a detailed declaration exposing the government's scientific errors and the constitutional dangers of censoring dissent."

    The new law essentially amounts to censorship for doctors of anything that they disagree with the state about regarding Covid. With concerns mounting about not only the efficacy and duration of the vaccine but also the critical side effects of mRNA vaccines specifically, there is great cause for concern regarding physicians' inability to communicate those dangers to patients or provide adequate information for patients to make informed decisions regarding their health.


    Jen Snow

    Jen Snow is a former paralegal turned freelance writer who has a passion for foreign affairs. When not writing, she can be found curled up with her dog and a good book or outside playing in the Florida sun.
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