• Penn Biden Center Funded With $54.6 Million From Anonymous Chinese Donors

    January 11, 2023
    Joe Biden with Chinese President, Xi Jinping

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    According to public records, at least $54 million was donated to the Penn Biden Center for Diplomacy and Global Engagement in Washington by individuals with ties to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) between 2014 and 2019. The Penn Biden Center is where several classified documents were located in early November, locked in a closet in President Biden's former office.

    Plans for the Penn Biden Center were announced in 2017, which was the same year that then-Vice President Biden vacated the White House. Most of the anonymous Chinese donations were given to the Center after the University of Pennsylvania made the announcement.

    One reported donor was a real estate developer in Shanghai, Xu Xeuquing. Xu has no direct connection to the university and, in 2011, faced corruption allegations in China that never materialized into criminal charges.

    Michael Sobolik, who is an expert on the CCP at teh American Foreign Policy Council, told the Washington Free Beacon that Xu's non-prosecution indicates that he likely has a close relationship with the CCP>

    Government watchdog, NLPC's Government Integrity Project asked U.S. prosecutor David Weiss to dig into the anonymous donations as part of the DOJ's investigation into Hunter Biden's purported tax and gun violations. Tom Anderson, Director of the Government Integrity Project, said, "We've asked... Weiss to pursue the larger network of individuals and institutions who benefited from millions doled out by foreign interests connected to Hunter Biden's work in China and Ukraine."

    According to NLPC's complaint, Hunter's laptop contained a 2017 text linking CEFC China Energy with the Penn Biden Center. The CEFC was trying to lobby American politicians without registering as a foreign lobbyist while Hunter Biden was concurrently attempting to broker a deal with the CEFC in which Joe Biden would receive a 10 percent equity stake in the deal, according to Tony Bobulinski, Hunter Biden's former business partner.

    On May 1, 2017, Hunter Biden texted Bobulinski, "We don't want to have to register as foreign agents under the FCPA [sic], which... is much more expansive than people who should know choose not to know."

    Meanwhile, the University of Pennsylvania has denied that the Biden Center received any anonymous donations from the Chinese.

    According to new information obtained by CNN, the classified documents found at the Center pertaining to Ukraine, Iran, and the U.K.

    Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-NY) said that the classified documents raise national security questions and stated, "The fact that former Vice President Joe Biden inappropriately maintained and kept classified materials at his unsecured think tank raises serious questions about national security, particularly when the documents were related to Ukraine when Biden family members were on a Ukrainian oligarch's payroll. The President has declassification authority, not the then Vice President. It is troubling that these documents were turned over to the National Archives on November 2nd, right before the midterm elections, and the corrupt Biden DOJ covered it up for two months."

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    The Biden family has a well-known history of conducting business in Ukraine. In 2014, Hunter Biden was appointed to sit on the board of the Ukrainian energy company, Burisma, despite having no background or experience in the energy sector in Ukraine. Then, in 2015, Joe Biden threatened to pull $1 billion from Ukraine if the Ukrainian government did not terminate the prosecutor who was investigating Burisma.

    In 2017, Hunter Biden received $83,000 per month for his position on the Burisma board. The same year, his salary was cut in half when Joe Biden left the Vice President's office. Joe Biden also visited Ukraine 6 times in 7 years.

    While the university can deny that the Biden Center received any funding from Chinese donors, given the Biden family's ties with Ukraine and history with China as well, it's difficult for anyone to believe the university or to turn a blind eye to such a corrupt family, the head of which holds the highest office in the U.S.


    Jen Snow

    Jen Snow is a former paralegal turned freelance writer who has a passion for foreign affairs. When not writing, she can be found curled up with her dog and a good book or outside playing in the Florida sun.
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    Phuck Biden

    It is obvious criminal Biden was delivering classified docs to the CHICOM Chinks at this Penn office! Why else would Biden bring these documents to Penn office? The CHICOM Chinks paid off Biden for the documents. Biden KNOWS exactly what the documents were and LIES to the press about the documents. Criminal Biden needs to hang for TREASON against the Constitution and the Republic. Criminal Biden is a very bad evil man!


    amen brother


    Wonder how much of that found it's way into senile, little girl fondling, Joe Biden's bank account?


    The key to the closet is under the mat Chairman.


    Yup, and overseen by none other than anthony blinken, our America-hating Secretary of State.


    Mainstream media and the 'FBI' say, Mum's the word ! Demonocrats will not investigate Demonocrats.


    The Chinese also gave the fake president a $33.00 master lock for his garage door so no one could get to his top secret files or his corvette


    It begs the question how Obama is funding his conceited theme park monstrosity here in Chicago, doesn't it?

    It's still under construction five years later, including 30 million "declassified" documents.


    That awful smell coming from UBC smells like Biden and company.


    We use to execute traitors!

    Black Dog

    All the democrats need to be executed.


    Are we finished with the treasonous acts of the demonRATic party YET?

    Hal Hyman

    Biden was just the cover. There are hundreds of politicians, media and Commies that need to be brought to justice.


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