Image by krassotkin

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On Friday, President Biden, in response to the public’s interest about classified documents found on properties related to him, claimed, “No, there, there.” 

By Saturday night, Bob Baeur, President Biden’s personal attorney and old friend, who is married to Anita Dunn, who now works in the Biden White House, was back with his “cooperative” statements after the Justice Department announced six new classified documents found inside the Biden’s Delaware residence after an all-day FBI search.

“DOJ requested that the search not be made public in advance, in accordance with its standard procedures, and we agreed to cooperate,” Bauer said in a statement.

“DOJ had full access to the President’s home, including personally handwritten notes, files, papers, binders, memorabilia, to-do lists, schedules, and reminders going back decades,” Baeur added. “DOJ took possession of materials it deemed within the scope of its inquiry, including six items consisting of documents with classification markings and surrounding materials, some of which were from the President’s service in the Senate and some of which were from his tenure as Vice President. DOJ also took for further review personally handwritten notes from the vice-presidential years.”

It marks a fifth time since November that classified documents have been found on Biden-related properties. 

Previously, 11 classified documents were found at the same residence during searches the began on December 20. More classified documents were found at the Penn Biden Center Washington, D.C. office on November 2.

Congressman Darrell Issa (R-CA) took to Twitter on Saturday night. 

“I guess there wasn’t nothing there there, Mr. President,”  Issa tweeted.

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