• Mike Davis: Bragg's Phony Legal Theory Exposes The Clear Political Hit-Job On President Trump

    April 3, 2023
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    The clear hit job on President Trump will backfire.

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    Mike Rios

    Someone must put their foot down. If this bogus attack on Mr. Trump goes through America is done. Biden's regime resembles 1932 Germany. We are allowing them to mark conservatives for arrest, harassment, and I truly fear Khmer Rouge style re-education camps.
    I was friends with an old Vietnamese pastor in the late 80's who the Khmer Rouge outlawed his Baptist Church in South Vietnam. He continued to hold services. The police, similar to our FBI, showed up at his church and brought his 21 yr old son outside. They kicked him to death. They told the pastor if he continued he would be next. He started holding services in the jungle. He was arrested and spent almost 10 years in a Bernie Sanders style reeducation concentration camp. The way he described Vietnam is virtually identical to what we're watching right now. My friend escaped Vietnam and was one of the infamous Boat People of the 80's. We have nowhere to escape to.


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