• Dennis Kucinich Is Campaign Manager For Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.'s 2024 Presidential Run

    May 18, 2023

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    The Presidential campaign of Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. announced today that former U.S. Congressman Dennis Kucinich will serve as its campaign manager.

    Mr. Kucinich has long been known as one of the foremost progressive voices in American politics. 

    At the age of 31, Mr. Kucinich was elected the mayor of Cleveland. Ohio. In 1996 he was elected to the House of Representatives, where he served for 16 years.

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    During his time in Congress, Kucinich led the effort against the Iraq War and the Patriot Act, and served as the chair of the progressive caucus. He competed in the Democratic Presidential primary in 2004 and 2008. 

    Mr. Kucinich is the author of several books, including the acclaimed “The Division of Light and Power.”

    Due to his early opposition to the Iraq War, free trade agreements, and the surveillance state, and his support for huge investments in infrastructure, Mr. Kucinich has earned a reputation as one of America’s most prescient politicians. In 2018 the Washington Post referred to him as “the future of American politics.”

    “Dennis Kucinich has brought invaluable electoral experience to our campaign," said Mr. Kennedy. “He knows how the system works from the inside out, and his deep knowledge of issues and his personal integrity are fully aligned with the core values our campaign is bringing to American politics.”


    Christine Dolan

    Christine Dolan is a seasoned Investigative Journalist, television producer, author, and photographer. She is Co-Founder of American Conversations whose format focuses on in-depth analysis of critical issues about “the story behind the headlines.”
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    You gonna eat that?

    Couldn't have made a better choice IMHO. Kucinich was controversial to many democrats so expect a lot of fireworks in the future. He reminds me of Jim Traficant in many ways because he wasn't afraid to say the things no one wanted hear. This will be interesting to watch.


    Another reason not to vote for RFK Jr. Once a Democrat ALWAYS a Democrat.


    that would be the kiss of death for me

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