• Senator Tim Scott Officially Announces His 2024 Presidency 

    May 22, 2023
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    Image by Gage Skidmore

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    Senator Tim Scott of South Carolina announced his presidential candidacy for the Republican nomination in 2024 with a faith-driven message. 

    Interwoven in his address, Scott focused on his family as a son of a single mother and the grandson of a cotton picker as the "miracle of America, declaring "I am America.” 

    "My mom's work ethic taught me there is dignity in all work. It's why I know if you are able-bodied, you work! Period," he said to a crowd of supporters on his alma mater campus at Charleston Southern University.

    "My momma said we could be victims or victors — and she chose victorious. But under President Biden, our nation is retreating away from work and dignity."

    Scott critiqued Biden's approach to the pandemic, the economy, the southern border, his foreign, energy, education, and crime policies.

    "Our nation, our values, and our people are strong. But our president is weak. America is not a nation in decline. But under Joe Biden, we have become a nation in retreat,” Scott said. "Retreating from our heritage and our history. Retreating from personal responsibility and hard work. Retreating from strength and security. Even retreating from religious liberty and the worship of God himself."

    "This is the freest and fairest land. Where you and I can go as high as our character, our grit, and our talent will take us. I bear witness to that. I testify to that. That’s why I’m the candidate the far Left fears the most," Scott said. "When I cut your taxes, they called me a prop. When I refunded the police, they called me a token. When I pushed back on President Biden, they even called me the N-word. I disrupt their narrative. I threaten their control. The truth of my life disproves their lies."

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    "Our party and our nation are standing at a time for choosing," he added. "Victimhood or victory? Grievance or greatness? I choose freedom and hope and opportunity. Will you choose it with me?"

    Scott was joined by South Dakota Senator and Minority Whip John Thune, who endorsed Scott’s run for the presidency calling Scott "the real deal.”

    "He came in with boundless hope," Thune said leading the crowd in prayer. "I think our country needs to be inspired again.”

    Scott’s campaign has bought nearly $6 million in television ads that will air statewide in the early-voting states of Iowa and New Hampshire before the first republican debate in August. The ad buys will includes broadcast TV, cable, satellite and radio.

    Scott enters the race with $22 million cash in the bank.

    Scott is poised to travel to Sioux City, Iowa, on Wednesday and Merrimack, New Hampshire, on Thursday.

    Democratic National Committee Chairman Jaime Harrison, who also hails from South Carolina, charged Scott with aspiring "to govern from the far conservative right.”

    “There’s no question that special interests are celebrating as Tim Scott throws his hat into the 2024 race for the MAGA base," Harrison added.


    Christine Dolan

    Christine Dolan is a seasoned Investigative Journalist, television producer, author, and photographer. She is Co-Founder of American Conversations whose format focuses on in-depth analysis of critical issues about “the story behind the headlines.”
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