• Lisa Murkowski Threatens To Leave Republican Party And Join Democrats, Several Republican Senators Including Thune, Romney, Cornyn And Young Agree

    July 18, 2023
    Image by Gage Skidmore

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    For those of us who have been trying to awaken people to the true nature of Republicans in the senate, aka “the Decepticons”, the latest self-admissions are very welcome.

    According to interviews conducted by The Hill, several Republican senators are now saying they just cannot be members of the Republican Party if they are forced to represent the interests of the base voter.  These very specifically named Republicans have always been members of the UniParty in DC; however, now they are saying “populism” amid the commonsense, America First voting base is not going to be acceptable.

    The senators are openly warning that if putting American interests first is going to be demanded by the voters, these Republicans will just become Democrats.   There is no reason for Americans to distrust the institutions the Republican senators support, and there will be no compromise or discussion.

    What is making these Republican senators angrier is that who they consider to be intellectual and professional people are also demanding a more populist approach toward a government that represents the people.  This is just not going to be allowed according to Lisa Murkowski, John Thune, John Cornyn and the other names outlined.

    To read more visit Conservative Tree House.

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    Not gonna happen.

    Fred Byther

    Do it! None of you are with us anyway. You are all backstabbing traitors, opportunists, and sellouts. Who the HE!! needs any of you creeps?

    Final Word

    The fuck is stopping any of you? I don’t.view any of the lot of you as (R)s anyhow. Besides, not a dimes worth of difference between either. All of you are a bunch of narcissist, sellout, traitorous, greedy, lying, stealing twatwaffles.


    Recall every single one of 'em


    Everyone know they already are Democrats.


    These clowns see themselves as 'ruling class'. They just assume to keep 'ruling' even in another party. There's your party system for ya.

    F D

    Make a run for it. Good riddens. Won’t help deter/avoid investigations when they catch up with you. Especially McConnell.


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