• UPDATE: 20 VOTES AGAINST - Jordan Loses First Vote For Speaker

    October 17, 2023

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    Jim Jordan has lost the first vote for Speaker of the House as 13 'Republicans' have voted for an alternate candidate.

    This puts the win out of reach as all Democrats will vote for Jeffries. Jordan needs 217 votes and can only lose a handful.

    Speaker McCarthy took 14 votes to get the position.

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    Damn GOP paying with our lives


    Nope. Just the Rinos. Now let's get off our duffs and finish them.

    Scott Keller

    Primary every one of them.


    How? They are participants in rigged elections…as is the entire Republican Party.


    As is the entire government.

    D J


    Matt D

    Who are the traitors wasting the American people's time and money? EXPOSE THEM AND PRIMARY THEM OUT OF THEIR SLIMEY CORRUPT HANDS!!!!


    Republicans once again proving they can't govern. The progressive Democrat got more votes than the Republican nominee. Someone please post a list of the 20 Rinos who voted against Jordan so I can search the FEC website to see who owns them. It's obviously not We the People.


    Bacon (NE)
    Buck (CO)
    Chavez-Deremer (OR)
    D'Esposito (NY)
    Diaz-Balart (FL)
    Ellzey (TX)
    Garbarino (NY)
    Gimenez (FL)
    Gonzales (TX)
    Granger (TX)
    James (MI)
    Kelly (PA)
    Kiggans (VA)
    LaLota (NY)
    Lamafla (CA)
    Lawler (NY)
    Rutherford (FL)
    Simpson (ID)
    Spartz (IN)
    Womack (AR)

    Ed Cane

    Spread the word, their lives are worth dirt if they don’t vote Jordon. We know who they are, and we will inspect their bank accounts for ANY VIOLATION. RINOS ARE PIGS.

    M Aurelius

    Burn up the phone lines to their offices
    and give all those traitors an earful.
    I just gave mine hell.

    Last edited 1 year ago by M Aurelius

    LOL! None of those RINOs would care if they got 1 million calls. They know they'll be reelected.


    I see all the comments about primarying the rinos, but you don't seem to realize that the voters of those districts put them there.They had a chance to get rid of them just a year ago, but didn't. What's that tell you about the mentality of the voters?
    The republicans I know and talk to are all over the map on basic issues, talk about a divided party, it's fractured all to hell.
    You don't ever see the other side have problems backing one of their own, but the repubs, haha, no way.


    If that is your take, then you are either uninformed or in total denial of election fraud, in spite of the mountains of data showing elections all over are being rigged, including primaries. The Uniparty is selecting their own puppets. It’s not the people electing them! No sane person believes Katy Hobbs beat Kari Lake or an old man who could’ve draw a crowd of 50 beat a sitting President who draws crowds of 50 thousand. Wake up and smell the coffee.


    Like Faux News. Many wouldn't believe until they went very deep and proved who they were. Now we know. Let's just Bud Light ALL of these crooked SOBs. We have that power.


    Who cares what the people want, eh RINOs?


    Relax... It's a fake 2 party "system".


    What did you expect? These RINOs are just validating what we already knew…there is no conservative party, just Dems in drag…a worthless Uniparty 💩. If this is what we have with the “GOP,” who needs it? Let’s have a “Re-register as an Independent” campaign and “3D the RNC”…defund, dismember, destroy!


    20 screw us and YOU throw them ALL under the bus. You a paid Georgie troll? Sounds like it.


    We now see, even more clearly, those who are true conservatives who put America and Americans first...

    Enword G. Robbinsome

    A day that Congress does nothing is a day they are not destroying our Freedom.
    They are not inventing new taxes or new ways to throw away money


    This is after the people burned the phone lines down with his support. This is what YOUR CONGRESS thinks of you.


    They'll ALL be reelected, just like Lindsey and Mitch.


    Just copied the 20 names to a list. Fixed income that FJB is desimating, but I WILL make a way to donate to those who will primary these Demonrat Rinos. Those who will protect "their" grift at every turn. They are just smaller versions of FJB. No doubt about it.


    I certainly don't agree with that group of RINOs, but I'm willing to bet the RINO trying to get the seat will soon be sitting back in the cheap seats before long.

    Bah Bah

    I'd like to ask, what good would primarying the RINOs do? The damage would be done and IF you could manage it, they would still get your money for the rest of their lives.


    If we wind up with that slimy DemocRAT Hakeem Jefferies as speaker you can directly blame Mark Gaetz.


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