• 2024 Election Watch 

    January 11, 2024
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    Asian Voters’ Eligibility Increases By 15%

    Image by David Drexler

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    The number of Asian American eligible voters has skyrocketed from 2020 to 2024, a new Pew Research Center report shows. 

    The report found that in the past four years, the Asian American eligible voter population grew by 15%. That finding makes them the fastest-growing electorate.

    “The fact that Asian American eligible voter growth is five times that of the population overall is still striking and would seem to demand the attention of any campaign looking to expand its reach,” said Janelle Wong, senior researcher at data and civic engagement nonprofit AAPI Data. “To ignore this potential voting bloc is a missed opportunity, for sure.” 

    About 15 million Asian Americans will be eligible to vote in the 2024 elections, the report reads. The group makes up just over 6% of eligible voters, but its growth outpaced Hispanic eligible voters, who grew by 12%.

    The findings were based on Pew’s own projections for 2024, as well as Census Bureau data from previous years. Experts say the increase tracks with overall population trends, with Asian Americans being the fastest-growing group in the U.S.

    Approximately 55% of them live in five states as of 2022. California had the highest number at 4.4 million, followed by New York, Texas, Hawaii and New Jersey. 

    Hawaii, where Asian Americans constitute 55% of the overall electorate, remains the only state in which a nonwhite group makes up the majority. 

    The state also has the highest share of Asians who are registered to vote, at 7 in 10 Asians. The group also has a significant presence in California, where they make up 17% of the electorate, and Nevada, largely considered a swing state, at 11%. 

    The report pointed out that Asian Americans are less likely than the overall population to be eligible to vote because of the large amount of them who aren’t U.S. citizens. Green-card holders and those in the process of becoming permanent residents are ineligible. Among those who are eligible, Asian Americans have the highest proportion of naturalized citizens.

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    Christine Dolan

    Christine Dolan is a seasoned Investigative Journalist, television producer, author, and photographer. She is Co-Founder of American Conversations whose format focuses on in-depth analysis of critical issues about “the story behind the headlines.”
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