• ElectionWatch 2024-Joe Biden And His Family's Denial Of Reality Has Doomed Biden's Legacy

    July 12, 2024
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    Nearly 90 minutes before President Joe Biden’s press conference that the world was bracing to watch, Joe Biden blew it while introducing Ukrainian President Volodmyrz Zelensky near the end of the NATO Summit. 

    Introducing the Ukrainian president, President Joe Biden introduced Zelensky as “President Putin.” 

    After a nearly two hour delay, the press conference began. After the president spewed about NATO, he turned to the pre-arranged chosen reporters from a list before him. 

    When he called upon one reporter who asked him about Vice-President Kamala Harris, the 81-year-old president called Harris “Vice President Trump.” 

    Biden said he picked “Vice President Trump” because she could beat “Trump,” without even catching his own mistake as he had caught his mistake during the Zelensky introduction.

    He gave detailed responses about his work to preserve NATO and his plans for a second term. He also insisted he is not leaving the race even as a growing number of Democratic lawmakers, donors, and celebrities have asked him to step aside since the June 27 CNN debate.

    “I’m determined on running,” Biden said, adding he would only step aside if aides told him that he couldn’t win, "something no one is suggesting now," he emphasized. 

    Nevertheless, his performance Thursday failed in the eyes of some. House Democratic Leader Hakeem Jeffries of New York met with Biden Thursday evening following the press conference. Jeffries “directly expressed the full breadth of insight, heartfelt perspectives, and conclusions about the path forward” that had been shared with him, according to a letter sent to lawmakers Friday. 

    Immediately after the press conference, three more members from his party, including Representative Jim Himes, the top Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee, called for President Biden to step aside.

    "The 2024 election will define the future of American democracy, and we must put forth the strongest candidate possible to confront the threat posed by Trumps' promised MAGA authoritarianism," said Himes. "I no longer believe that is Joe Biden, and I hope that, as he has throughout a lifetime of public service, he will continue to put our nation first and, as he promised, make way for a new generation of leaders," wrote Jim Himes in a statement. 

    Bob MacGuffie, the endorsed Republican candidate for the Fourth Congressional District, issued the following statement in response to Mr. Himes' statement.

    "Mr. Himes calls on President Biden to remove himself from the race because he knows Biden is destined to lose, and Himes is afraid he will be defeated as well. For the past couple years Himes has stood by Biden, assuring us Biden was fit, when every politico in DC and the rest of us in the 4th District knew Biden was mentally impaired. Throughout this period, Himes was content to have an impaired Biden in the presidency as long as his constituents didn’t catch on. Mr. Himes has written the book on Gaslighting his congressional constituents."

    "A responsible presidential cabinet would have passed around an affidavit calling for invoking the 25th Amendment long ago - and a responsible Representative Himes should have signed onto it then. It certainly should have been circulated two weeks ago," added MacGuiffie.

    Although Biden focused on NATO calling Article 5 “sacred” and not willing “to bow to Putin,” he also lied during the press conference. 

    The president once again falsely claimed as he did during the debate that the “southern border is working - 50% down on southern border." That is a lie. There has never been a surge of over 10 million illegals in the U.S. history. During the debate, Biden claimed that the illegal surge during his tenure was 40% less than under Trump’s presidency. That too was a lie very overlooked by many in the media. The border crises continues to be one of the issues that concerns American voters the most. 

    When asked about those asking him to step aside, President Biden brought up UAW’s endorsement. Less than 20 minutes after the press conference, CNN was reporting that UAW leadership has concerns about Biden, but was not rescinding its endorsement at this time. 

    Fifteen minutes into the press conference, FOX was reporting voters were 85% to 15% for Biden to leave the 2024 race. 

    In defending his stamina, the president blamed his staff. 

    “I love my staff but [they] add things and add things all the time…” said the president. 

    When asked by a reporter, “Do you think EU will be left on its own if Trump wins and prepares for US disengagement,” President Biden replied, “You gotta win and cannot allow this guy to win - it would be disaster,” insisted Biden.

    Defying his critics, the president boasted.

    “I think I am the best qualified to do the job," and "win."

    “We are making the world stronger..post war years are over,” said the president although the wars in Europe and Mideast continue. Just this week, China has announced putting military in Belarus. 

    Biden said he is “ready to deal with Xi and Putin now and three years from now.” 

    The president said he has “direct contact with Xi but no good reason to talk with Putin who has not accommodated his behavior. He has not changed and until he changes his behavior” Biden said he is not willing to talk with him. 

    “No inclination to talk with Putin,” he stressed although world leaders who have spoken with Putin since 2022 have stated that Putin would like to speak with Biden.

    Biden has proven consistently that he is a warmonger using Zelensky as his proxy to remove Putin. 

    At the end of the press conference, President Biden insisted that “no poll says” he cannot win. 

    That too is a lie although it is somewhat mixed. Nevertheless, as long as Jill Biden and Hunter Biden fight to keep  Joe in the Oval Office for the Biden family's own sense of arrogant entitlement, the horizon looks bleak for the Biden legacy to the embarrassment of the Democratic Party. 

    The end of Joe Biden’s presidency is inevitable and leaves the democratic party in tatters. The obvious blame will forever be tied to Joe Biden because he is a man with his family members, who refuse to believe reality. The Biden family has trashed the political arena like no other politician since President Nixon. 

    His staff has lied. His family and closest friends have lied. Democrats sat on the sidelines as the Biden campaign seriously threatened No Labels’ leadership, donors and employees who tried to build a third-party ticket. 

    Biden’s supporters sat silent as Biden denied Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Secret Service Protection. They sat silent as Biden supporters wasted money to keep Kennedy and Trump off state ballots disgracing the very essence of the U.S. Constitution. 

    Democrats covered up the Biden family's efforts to financially benefit during the Obama administration, which is disgraceful. 

    So, what is the fallout following this latest Biden effort to hold onto the presidency? 

    The next step in this poker game is money. 

    Major Democratic donors have told the largest pro-Biden super PAC, Future Forward, that roughly $90 million in pledged donations is now on hold if President Biden remains atop the ticket, as reported in the New York Times. 

    Future Forward is the Biden’s campaign's leading super PAC. It has announced a $250 million buy in television and digital advertisement set to begin at the end of the DNC Convention in August. 

    A leaked Future Forward poll after the CNN debate showed that the super PAC had tested the strength of potential Biden alternatives, includng Harris, California Governor Gavin Newsom, Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer and Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg.

    The poll found that Biden had a worse overall favorability rating than those mentioned above.

    Officials with the group told donors that between the super PAC and its nonprofit arm, they hoped to raise $700 million or more for the election, and had collected $430 million at that point.

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    On the world stage, foreign leaders have been weighing in on Biden's mental acuity and fitness for office. 

    World leaders at the NATO Summit, like those at the G7 Summit and in France at Normandy recently, do not believe that Biden should continue. Some are even preparing for a Trump presidency. Victor Orban of Hungary skipped Biden’s press conference and met with former President Donald Trump in Florida Thursday night. 

    Although Biden is digging in and forging ahead, he did say that if there were no path to victory, no one had shown him. 

    Biden is so stubborn he has even dismissed polls. 

    Repeatedly, he said, “I’ve got to finish this job.”

    The press conference ended with Biden being asked directly whether he would step down for Harris if he saw polling showing she had a better chance of beating Trump.

    “No, unless they come back and said there’s no way you can win,” Biden responded. Then he added, in a staged whisper, “No poll’s saying that.”

    NPR reported a head to head poll between Biden and Trump Friday. That is nonsensical because Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. will be on state ballots come November. 

    Pew Research included Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. in their poll and it found Biden behind. 

    On Friday, the Kennedy campaign pushed out a Forbes/HarrisX poll after the debate finding Kennedy at 19%. The campaign is claiming that their candidate is puling 19% with Black voters, 28% with Hispanic voters and 33% with Gen Z voters. 

    Senator Joe Manchin of West Virginia, who resigned from the democratic party and is now an independent and was one of the founding members of No Labels, said on Friday that Biden's fate may be settled this coming Friday. 


    Christine Dolan

    Christine Dolan is a seasoned Investigative Journalist, television producer, author, and photographer. She is Co-Founder of American Conversations whose format focuses on in-depth analysis of critical issues about “the story behind the headlines.”
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    Seriously? What kind of legacy can a vegetable have? And would he care?


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