• ElectionWatch 2024-Republican Convention Day 3-“Say Their Names, Protect The Flag, And Bring Them Home”

    July 18, 2024
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    In one of the most memorable and emotional convention moments in recent years at any national political convention, Gold Star families stood on the stage and exposed the failures of President Joe Biden’s treatment towards them, and their shared admiration for Donald Trump meeting with them privately.

    The still grieving Gold Family members spoke from the heart. They shared how the former president treated them.

    “Donald Trump knew all of our children’s names,” and “Look at our pain and outrage,” which they directed at President Joe Biden, said two Gold Star family members flanked by other Gold Star family members. 

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    The Gold Star families took to the podium reminding Americans how upset they are with President Biden who had stated during the June 27 CNN presidential debate that “no Americans died under my watch.” 

    That was a lie during the debate.  The family members stood on the stage to remind America of those who lost their lives on August 26, 2021 when their thirteen American loved ones died in Afghanistan after Biden decided to pull out of Afghanistan. It was a disaster that the world witnessed and these Gold Star families do not want Americans to ever forget.  

    All thirteen names were read out loud. In response, the entire convention attendees repeated each name in unison as each name was read.

    The juxtaposition between the families’ interactions when they met President Joe Biden at Dover Air Force Base upon the return of their loved ones, and when they later met with former President Donald Trump at Bedminster, New Jersey for six hours was stunning. 

    The families described how Biden did not know their loved ones’ names and spoke only of his last son, Beau Biden who died from cancer several years earlier.   

    When the families met with President Trump, they felt his “compassion” and “acknowledgement.”

    Donald Trump “listened to us,” said one Mother.  "Donald Trump carried the weight for a few hours with me, and for the first time I did not feel I was alone in my grief."

    There was not a dry eye in the hall.

    From the back of the hallway as music played on stage marched in students carrying American flags into the hall. They were the University of North Carolina students, who protected the flag during the Hamas/Israeli demonstrations on their college campus.  

    The audience erupted. 

    The mood changed when Orna and One Neutra of Plainview, New York took to the stage wearing t-shirts with their son, Omeron’s picture. Their 22-year-old son is still held as a hostage by Hamas in Gaza. They have endured over 280 days of silence from their son. They have heard not one word from their son after he was kidnapped on October 7 when Hamas attacked and kidnapped the the 200 plus hostages. 

    There was not a dry eye in the audience who broke out with chants of “Bring them home.” 

    But, the emotion did not end there. 

    Sergeant William Pekrul (Ret), 99, a Decorated War Hero, World War II and D-Day Veteran, draped in his medals and cap with a twinkle and smile that blew away the audience .

    People say “America is an idea. America is much more. America is our home,” said Pekrul. 

    The audience broke out in a chant - “USA USA USA USA…”

    “When I was fighting for the United States, I kissed the ground when I returned. I kissed the ground. Thank God I am back home,” stated Pekrul 

    “Where I came home, you dug your boots in the ground and you never looked back,” he added. 

    Pekrul said that he supported the re-election of President Donald Trump and if he were re-elected, “I would go back and re-enlist today. I would storm whatever beach… God bless you, my home and United States of America.” 


    Christine Dolan

    Christine Dolan is a seasoned Investigative Journalist, television producer, author, and photographer. She is Co-Founder of American Conversations whose format focuses on in-depth analysis of critical issues about “the story behind the headlines.”
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