• Do They Really Expect Us To Believe This Latest Treasonous Hoax Against Trump?

    September 21, 2019
    Do They Really Expect Us To Believe This Latest Treasonous Hoax Against Trump?
    Rudy Giuliani
    Image by Amazinggena

    The Democrats must really want that Chinese money they've been missing under Trump as the latest Deep State garbage hoax against our duly-elected president ramps up in the corrupt legacy media.

    After years of lies, false allegations, tens of millions of our money wasted on investigations, and using the powerful agencies of the federal government to go after President Trump and other conservatives, do they really expect us to believe that POTUS doesn't have the best interests of the American people at heart?

    A supposed 'whistleblower' (read leftover Obama fan boy) has spilled the beans against Trump for allegedly 'colluding' again with a foreign government to win an election...yea right.

    Reporter John Solomon at The Hill offered his take on the situation with breaking news yesterday showing the State Department actually asked Rudy Giuliani to do so. The plot thickens.

    Bottom line is, Joe Biden did act in a criminal manner by pushing Ukraine to fire a Ukrainian prosecutor who was investigating his son, Hunter Biden. The level of organized crime under the Democrats knows no bounds.

    Meanwhile the vile person known as Hillary Clinton weighted in with a stunning example of 'lacking candor' when she crowed, "the president asked a foreign power to help him win an election. Again."

    The one thing we do know is that the Obama administration completely corrupted our federal government and the Deep State holdovers left from his treasonous regime need, no have, to be rooted out if we are ever to have a functionally operating Washington, D.C. again.

    Just another existential reason to ensure the re-election of Donald J. Trump in 2020.


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    Leftist media has gone ballistic in their case against Trump attempting to fight corruption.
    This is obviously an existential threat against the Democrats, especially a person with ties to the Obama administration so they're going to be working overtime to do everything they can to get Trump impeached over it.

    Nick D

    It's another psuedo-event. There's nothing here that's really a problem (at least on Trump's side), but the media's exaggerated, performative outrage keeps the story running long past it should have expired.


    We don't have to believe it. We have NO one to replace President Trump. Impeachment and removal would keep him from being eligible to be elected again.


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