Minneapolis:  Welcome To Russia Hoax 4.0
Image by Thepeoplesartist

Our justice system will decide if Derek Chauvin is guilty of a crime, not CNN. The evidence looks overwhelming that he is, but we have a judicial system for that.

However, what you are seeing as riots break out in cities across America is not racial outrage, it is Russia Hoax 4.0. It is an attempt to harm President Trump as the election approaches. One of President Trump's biggest accomplishments has been the increase in support among minority populations, as the Trump economy brought them never-before-experienced prosperity.

Well, we couldn't have that could we? So what to do?

Once again, as with the Chinese coronavirus, the timing of these 'protests' (actually criminal looting) is just way too convenient, right before the election, and coming on the heels of the now-failed pandemic.

Think about it, to remove the Orange Man from office, the totalitarians created the Russia Hoax and the Mueller investigation, both of which have been completely discredited. Then we had the sham impeachment trial, which in the end, has only shown it was the Democrats who were colluding with Russia and Ukraine to interfere in the 2016 election, and steal billions of dollars from Ukraine. (more to come on Joe Biden's corruption in the near future) Again, it didn't work.

So we then had the Chinese coronavirus release -- a bioweapon developed by the Chinese Communist Party which was intentionally inflicted upon America and the West, to destroy our economy (as President Trump said today in his news conference). Now the economy is opening, and will most likely be roaring as the election approaches. Drat! Foiled again, said the evil emperor.

We wrote just several weeks ago -- what is coming next? Now we know.

How about we gin up a race war, and blame President Trump for it, even though the spark occurred (as always) in a blue city and state where crime is allowed? What you are seeing in front of your very eyes is highly organized crime, aided and abetted by the criminal's globalist media enablers.

China has long used the 'social justice' narrative to create division in America. This is what is being perpetrated on us as we speak, before our very eyes, by forces that want to destroy America and what she stands for

We are in a war. It is time we realized this. Minneapolis is just another battle in this war, no different than Iwo Jima.

It is time American patriots stand up for what we believe in. Stop being a silent majority. Just be the majority, and make your demands known - truth, justice and the American way. Baseball, hot dogs, apple pie and Chevroloet, not firebombs, 52 genders, drag queen story hour, and no, not riots in once-grand American cities.

And on that note, some rather interesting information was released today, which you will not hear discussed on CNN or the other corrupt media outlets. It adds color to the racial justice narrative being forced down our throats.

In the charges brought against former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin on Friday, a new finding shows the county medical examiner concluded the death of George Floyd was not a result of asphyxia or strangulation, wrote The Washington Examiner.

An autopsy of Floyd was conducted Tuesday following his death on Monday after Chauvin restrained him for nearly nine minutes by pressing his knee on Floyd’s neck.

The full report by the Hennepin County Medical Examiner’s office is pending but so far has found “no physical findings that support a diagnosis of traumatic asphyxia or strangulation.”

Floyd’s underlying health conditions included coronary artery disease and hypertensive heart disease. The report says the underlying health conditions, combined with Chauvin’s restraint and any possible intoxicants in Floyd’s system, likely contributed to his death.

To steal a quote from Fox News, we report, you decide.