• Good Thing Trump Ignored Bolton's Neocon Advice

    June 18, 2020
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    Good Thing Trump Ignored Bolton's Neocon Advice
    President Trump and First Lady Melania Trump at the Akasaka Palace, John bolton in background

    Few events make the media purr more than a memoir written by a defector from a Republican administration. John Bolton joins a long list of such bitter memoirists, who date back to the days of David Stockman. The key to these memoirs is that they buttress the prejudices of the media. Bolton has made sure to calibrate his memoir to that requirement, blasting Trump for his alleged corruption and incompetence.

    But how newsworthy are these memoirs exactly? They invariably follow the same pattern: the memoirist enters the Republican administration disagreeing with its policies; he leaves the administration disagreeing with its policies. How is that news? What’s newsworthy is not that they were fired but that they were hired in the first place.

    Bolton, the cold bureaucrat of the D.C. war machine, was prepared to kill innocent people. Trump wasn’t.

    The chief beef of such a memoirist is always the same: the president didn’t take his advice. The title of Bolton’s book should be The Room Where It Didn’t Happen. He is clearly upset that he got cut out of Trump’s decisions...

    To read more visit The American Spectator.


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