• Big Tech Has Peaked, Current Main Players Slowly Becoming Irrelevant

    August 23, 2020
    Big Tech Has Peaked, Already Slowly Becoming Irrelevant
    This picture shows a garage, which is now recognized as the birthplace of the Silicon Valley, photographed on September 5, 2016 by Zinaida Good. William R. Hewlett and David Packard started developing their audio oscillator in this garage in 1938
    Image by ZTebaykina

    Someone ring the bell. We've hit the peak in big-tech censorship. It's all downhill from here. New companies will take the place of the current main offenders.

    You know them -- Amazon, Apple, Twitter, Facebook, Netflix, Google.

    All of them have jumped the corruption shark, now the piper has to be paid.

    The American people have woken up to the Information Operation being run against them, military technology developed for use against our enemies, now targeting American citizens, and our president. There will be consequences.

    Remember when AOL, MySpace, Yahoo ruled the world? Remember Prodigy before that? Soon Google and the rest will join the club, at some time in the future.

    In President Trump's second term, and yes, there will be a second term, anti-trust action will ensue in one form or the other, probably against all of them. This is what caused Microsoft to 'miss the internet', as it fought to prevent government legal action from damaging its revenue streams.

    We are in that type of climate as we speak. There is real anger against these companies. That is why they are throwing all their weight behind trying to get Joe Biden elected president, as what comes their way if Trump is re-elected will not be pleasant.

    This also goes for the Deep State operators, and their corrupt contractors playing fire with American's personal data, and their psychological operations being arrayed against our people.

    People are now 'woke' and are very angry about that as well.

    Americans are not stupid; they can see what is happening around them. It's become obvious.

    Alternative social media networks are already getting critical mass. The more censorship they engage in, the faster it will happen.

    Many people I know are slowly working the process of getting off networks like Google altogether. In fact, I don't know anyone who uses Google search anymore. Duck, Duck, Go works fine thank you.

    One day we'll be saying, Remember how power Google was? Man that was outrageous.


    L Todd Wood

    L Todd Wood, a graduate of the U.S. Air Force Academy, flew special operations helicopters supporting SEAL Team 6, Delta Force and others. After leaving the military, he pursued his other passion, finance, spending 18 years on Wall Street trading emerging market debt, and later, writing. The first of his many thrillers is "Currency." Todd has been a national security columnist for The Washington Times and contributed to One American News, Fox Business, Newsmax TV, Moscow Times, Novaya Vremya (Ukraine), the New York Post, National Review, the Jerusalem Post, Zero Hedge and others. He is also founder/publisher of CDM. For more information about L. Todd Wood, visit LToddWood.com.
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    Bridget Brophy

    I sure hope your right


    I love your content and rely on you and gateway pundit to fill in the gaps. I agree the masses have awoken and no longer can they tame the tiger with empty promises to quieter us down so they can quid pro quo with taxpayers money.

    Thank you for your time and heart pouring into your website!! Many blessing!



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    A couple giant predictions, with neck sticking out of the garage. Trump re-elected and massive antitrust action against tech giants.
    Trump needs to be re-elected first of all, and also majority Republicans in House and Senate.
    Democrats are beating big tech to censor Trump and affiliated content unmercifically, and Chinese Communists also putting the squeeze on big tech to toe the line and share or divulge proprietary information and support Chinese Communist Party policy.
    There may actually be bigger fish to fry than big tech if Trump actually wins, although big tech might shift allegiance since they are in business for the money and will follow the money. If more money in Trump’s camp, they’ll switch, although there are hangers on who just detest Trump, his agenda, and people who elected him.

    […] Big Tech Has Peaked, Current Main Players Slowly Becoming Irrelevant […]

    […] Big Tech Has Peaked, Current Main Players Slowly Becoming Irrelevant […]


    Duck duck Go works via Google.


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