Obama-Voters Owe America An Apology
Image by Steve Collis 

Nobody wants what we are experiencing except the radical Left. That means Obama, Hillary, Soros, the DNC, the Deep State, China, and their brownshirts -- Antifa.

The rest of us want to pursue happiness, our God-given and unalienable right...the right the Founding Fathers gave us, gave all Americans, of any color.

It’s time to unify America. President Donald J. Trump will do that second term. That is what the Left is so afraid of. The evidence is clear -- minorities want happiness too and are moving towards POTUS -- who'd have thought? Certainly not the Democrats.

What we are witnessing are the consequences of the election of Barack Hussein Obama by a bunch of liberals who wanted to feel good, who made decisions with their genitals, not their brains, and certainly did not use common sense.

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What Obama brought us was appeasement of our enemies, outright sedition, treason, corruption, weakness, destruction of American security, a collapse in race relations, debt, and a communist-inspired revolution.

This is a lesson that elections have consequences, and the Obama voters owe us an apology.

Hussein is behind all of this for sure. But, it is not just him, it is our globalist CEOs, the leaders of our corporate corrupt media and their minions, the Deep State left over in government from Obama's destructive tenure, Soros, and other globalist puppet masters.

Everything you are seeing -- riots, murder, censorship, political prosecution, letting criminals our of jail, defunding the police -- it's all planned, and executed according to plan.

CDMedia will be outing more over the next few days to weeks of exactly who these people are that are doing this to our beloved country.

Stay tuned, and in the meantime, demand an apology from any of your family or friends who voted for Obama.

And, fight back!