Watch Deep State Disinformation In Legacy Media...Turn It Off Completely
Screenshot LA Times

"The times they are a changin..."
Bob Dylan

A friend wrote to me last night after seeing a headline in the LA Times (one of the worst offenders of the Deep State media).

Voter Fraud Claims Are Aimed At Keeping Trump Base Loyal, it screamed.

"I was angry at my friend - how many times have you seen this over the last few years aimed at destroying the Trump movement?," I asked.

This is disinformation, from the best of the best at disinformation -- the U.S. intelligence apparatus; it just has been aimed at us this time, not citizens of some far away banana republic.

Trump supporters must ignore the proclamations that will be coming out of the Deep State media apparatus. They have all sold out America for 30 pieces of silver, this includes Fox News. That should be obvious now.

Stop giving them clicks, eyeballs...we should know by now how they work!

CDMedia is being de-platformed and obviously too effective! We need your support to put more reporters in the field! Help us here!

There are seditious behavioral scientists involved in creating these headlines...

“Nothing that I’ve seen regarding the election raises a legal issue that could succeed. There is just nothing there,” said Barry Richard, who represented George W. Bush in the 2000 recount in Florida that ended up before the U.S. Supreme Court. “When these kind of lawsuits are filed, it just breeds contempt for the whole legal system.”

There are plenty of pro-Trump news entities out there where you can get truth...The Gateway Pundit,, Breitbart, Bannon's War Room, Epoch Times, OANN, Newsmax, Just the News, America's Voice, to name a few.

Don't read the Chicom garbage.

This is literally a Chinese communist takeover of the American republic.

We've also seen headlines that Melania wants a divorce, wants to stay in The White House with Joe. Such garbage.

Stay strong, stay united in the face of this evil. CDMedia has been privy to the inner-workings of the resistance against this disinformation operation. It is real. The patriotism is real.

We are going to get our republic back. If they were not worried, they would not be printing this garbage.

There will be righteous retribution coming from a higher place against this evil.

Trump will prevail.