• OBiden Admin Are Agents For China, Destroying The United States, Have To Face Military Justice

    August 14, 2021

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    Joe Biden is controlled by China - the Hunter Biden laptop told us that - 10% for 'the big guy'.

    Joe Biden is not running The White House. The Obama cabal is running The White House.

    They are not governing for 'We the People', they are governing for China and their globalist puppet masters.

    These traitors must face military justice and consequential punishment.

    We cannot allow them to continue destroying our nation and our children's future.

    They don't care about the rule of law. They don't care about the Constitution. They don't care about you and me.

    They only care about power, and money.

    They are evil.

    As Professor Clements said at the Cyber Symposium -- "We are doing this for our children -- they deserve better. They may kill some of us, but they can't kill all of us, though they may try. Stand up! Fight! We have God on our side!"


    We currently have some major expenses in this fight...shamelessly, we really do need your help to keep pushing out the truth...it's expensive...please do what you can!


    L Todd Wood

    L Todd Wood, a graduate of the U.S. Air Force Academy, flew special operations helicopters supporting SEAL Team 6, Delta Force and others. After leaving the military, he pursued his other passion, finance, spending 18 years on Wall Street trading emerging market debt, and later, writing. The first of his many thrillers is "Currency." Todd has been a national security columnist for The Washington Times and contributed to One American News, Fox Business, Newsmax TV, Moscow Times, Novaya Vremya (Ukraine), the New York Post, National Review, the Jerusalem Post, Zero Hedge and others. He is also founder/publisher of CDM. For more information about L. Todd Wood, visit LToddWood.com.
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    If you haven't noticed Biden is owned by Russia and China via Hunter. The evidence is right there in front of all of us.


    Only the Sons of God will save mankind from destruction period.


    "OBiden Admin Are Agents For China, Destroying The United States, Have To Face Military Justice"

    No, they should face vigilante justice. There no longer is legal justice for Deep State types

    Chip Henry

    So why at this late stage when the crimes are so very well documented has the military not stepped in and made arrests?

    Chip Henry

    So why at this late stage with the evidence so clear and obvious had the military not stepped in and removed Biden?

    Anthony Lovato

    We the moral, Christians, ALL GOOD constitutional law and order peoples of the USA must take back what the infiltrating foreign and domestic enemies, agents of evil have stolen from our nation under GOD, the USA, and strengthen the pillars of our nations economy, christianity, government leaders , and eduction which have been weakened by agents of evil.

    Nothing New Under the Sun

    I do not believe in communism any more than you do but there is nothing wrong with the communists in this country; several of the best friends I have got are communists.

    Franklin D. Roosevelt




    President Obama ordered the US Navy out of the South China Sea giving CNOC unfettered access to the vast reserves located in the South China Sea in an area around the Spratly Islands [1200 nautical miles from mainland China] off the coast of the Philippines and clearly in their economic exclusivity zone and internationally recognized territorial waters. Estimates vary; however, it is clear there is a lot of oil there to exploit with the assistance of new drilling technology provided by my friends at Chevron. There is only one problem- the oil and gas being recovered is saturated with up to 50% percent carbon. The order was issued by the Chinese Communist Party's joint operations with Chevron Corporation to move forward regardless. The resulting emissions far exceed any project ever undertaken anywhere in the world. At a time of heightened climate consciousness, one would think that a major oil company would be careful not to allow material facts like this to be shared with the media. Biden immediately acts against the Transco pipeline crippling Americas ability to be energy independence shutting down more than 20 fossil energy projects across America. It is clear that Biden wants to put America at the mercy of the Chinese Communist Party. Biden did the same thing when he lifted the sanctions against the Russians allowing for the gas pipeline from Russia to the heart of Germany to be completed. The CCP appears to have a corner on the fossil energy and then we are reminded by Biden that the CCP owns 90 percent of production for Lithium used in car batteries and America would be heavily dependent of Chinese lithium for its electric cars made by Elon Musk with a two-fold benefit.


    Biden has committed to building out tens of thousands of battery charging stations all paid for by Americans. These moves were designed to put China front and center of both the fossil and renewable energy fields.
    A search for the leak continues. It was widely reported in local news it was a general who consumed too much Irish whiskey [Hennessey] leading to the all too familiar refrain- loose lips sinks ships. Who knew after a few glasses a 30-year-old bottle of Hennessy could break down what is one of the CCP's most highly regarded generals to, “let loose." Regardless of the elixir, the result remains the same. A trove of secret CCP intelligence was revealed leaving Beijing flat footed and speechless and in denial. The second part of the recorded conversation is said to have revolved around the massive cost of drilling operations and the building of the several of the largest offshore oil and gas drilling platforms purchased by Chinas largest oil and gas company.


    The general was quick to point out that it did not matter as Beijing would simply print more counterfeit foreign currency. He described in detail the operation and how it was conducted allowing Beijing to counterfeit US currency and then described how they were able to add serial numbers to the US Treasury Department Database allowing the newly minted money to go undetected as it passed thru various international regulatory banks. The Chinese general was said to have difficulty restraining his laughter as he described Chinese intelligence is now sitting in 19 mainframe computers maintained by Americas largest institutions to include treasury, military, spy agencies, etc. He claimed they did not hack the computers either. He claimed corrupt Biden officials had sold admin level passwords that is why there was no signs of hacking. He said how do you think Obama can afford to live in a 46-million-dollar home in the Hamptons when he has never held a real job in his life save for working for a George Soros front company called Acorn as a so-called community organizer. He scoffed, saying he organized alright. He indicated that there are hundreds of faux front companies they easily move the counterfeit currency around the world. I am not sure why he mentioned the incredible work of George Soros and his massive financial contributions to Black lives Marxist and ANTIFA. He claimed that George was not really a social justice warrior that he in fact was simply following orders from Beijing. He claimed Beijing provided invaluable information on the markets that was picked up by George. Beijing simply had to tip off Soros and in turn George had to put up money for organizations opposed to America. Turns out there is more than 100 of these faux social justice agencies dedicated to destroying the fabric of American culture. Keep in mind that Soros is raking in billions with this information according to the general. What was more shocking was his boast that after fooling even the secret service with the counterfeit currency, it was easy to counterfeit the worlds other currencies. He spoke of the British Pound, French Franc, German Deutschmark, Mexican Peso, India's Rupee, the Euro. He claimed the British were too stupid to realize they were using Hong Kong banks the CCP owned to launder counterfeit currency. He said their operation nearly fell apart when agents examined the cargo being loaded on Air Force Two when then VP Biden took his coke head bag man son to Beijing to meet with top banking officials from the Bank of China. The cover story as you know was that this money reported to be 1.5 billion was to be used by Hunter Biden to purchase these companies Hunter deemed critically important to CCP success.


    The agents reported that the pallets of neatly stacked cases all contained US currency. They were told by Biden this was money that had been seized from North Korea and the Chinese wanted to give it to America to demonstrate they were looking out for American interests abroad. The pilot noted a discrepancy in weight which was 6 billion in US currency-not 1.5 as noted on the manifest. There was a total of 6 billion in counterfeit US currency. The pilot determined the weight of the cases containing the currency, so the takeoff weight of the aircraft is of concern. I am told there is still some of this currency floating around. I was told the paper the Chinese used revealed itself as the currency was circulated the paper broke down was noticeable. This was the reason they gave it to China Joe. They claimed he would know how to move the fake currency. Biden was clearly miffed and told his aid to tell “the god dammed pilot to get the plane moving.” It was said Hunter and Joe did not say a word during the entire 7,000-mile trip back to Washington DC from Beijing.


    Let us just say the green new deal is neither new nor a deal. With hopes of positing billions in taxpayer funded liabilities- Beijing hopes to successfully replaces the dollar as the worlds' reserve currency. Obama - Biden greatest hits - they call it Solyndra - Solar panel company took more than half a billion in taxpayer funds for this shell company that blew thru all the available cash and quickly went bankrupt. The only difference is now the players are mostly the same with a morally bankrupt political party with no avant-garde technology allowed to flourish. A quick read of the Biden DOE web page points out they are tickled at the prospect of being racially inclusive and diversity of their hand-picked losers whose likelihood of commercial success is as likely as China Joe Biden being elected president. Biden claims to support American ingenuity while laying the groundwork for Beijing to dominate in world oil production and lithium-ion battery mining and production. Beijing took action to push electric car production by building up Tesla. Providing Elon Musk with an overabundance of cash to build electric car plants thus insuring there was a market for Chinese mined lithium ion which they currently own more than 90 percent of the worldwide mining operations. Of course, Elon Musk would have the world believe it was his economic genius that led to Tesla.
    Joe Biden was ordered by Beijing to kill or shelve any technology invented by American ‘Caucasian’ peoples because it implies racial superiority. Somehow saying it out loud makes it sound so much worse than reading the perverse racist demagoguery of the left. It is tempting to hear losers spew hate at a rate that exceeded even the most ardent racist, but it was clear theirs was a mission and not of mercy but a collection of one hit wonders compiled for even the most woke believers.


    President Trump had established a Waves to Water Desalination and Ocean Observation competition with the winner the prize collecting more than $1 million in support from the Department of Energy as well as an introduction to Chevron Corporation. Of particular interest to me, was the introduction to Chevron Corporation and their experience working in the open ocean environments. I thought that it was a perfect match for the technology that I invented, it would supercharge its deployment and allow for the world to take a giant leap forward in achieving sustainability. I was contacted regarding these competitions by a man who works for the Department of Energy and had indicated he was introduced to my technology by one of his colleagues. He strongly encouraged me to apply for both programs. I was just as confident that I could win the prize with the Ocean Observation contest and produce green hydrogen at scale producing billions of liters without generating a single carbon atom. I would loudly proclaim the energy water nexus had been broken freeing the world with my complimentary technologies. The production of fresh water and green hydrogen that required three parts fresh water to produce one-part green hydrogen. After reading the white papers and rules, I thought it would be impossible for me to lose this competition. This would be a perfect way to introduce my company. It appeared the competition was written for the development of my technology. I thought to myself that I had already won the competition it was simply a matter of time. Scott then introduced me to a gentleman at Los Alamo's wave tank testing facility and modeling lab in New Mexico. There, the person I again working with assembled a team to examine my technology. He was extremely upbeat and shared the belief that my technology would win this competition. I went all in sharing engineering reports and documents and validation testing that I had conducted in a real ocean environment in Laguna Beach California for the first round of validation testing. Next, I built a larger more robust model to withstand the Ocean environment located at Half Moon Bay California [Mavericks]. It was amazing as the outpouring of support rose as people discovered the purpose of the device. The testing was overwhelmingly positive with unexpected input from people who observed the testing. One elderly man told me repeatedly that he could not believe his eyes and that he never thought he would live long enough to see the development of a technology that could convert seawater to freshwater while being sustainable. He continued to ask me do I realize what I have done with the amazed yet profound look on his face. It was one of those moments one does not easily forget but etched into my memory was his profound gratitude for the work and sacrifice I had made to make this a reality. Strangers would offer to carry the system down to the beach and back and would often say it was an honor. Ever, if ever, there were a doubt in the back of my mind it was completely erased in those moments. The director at Los Alamos Laboratory was forced to attend a seminar on white guilt and critical race theory. All communications was stopped and to date the DOE has yet to respond to any communications I have sent requesting to move forward that have gone unanswered after Biden took office. The reason became clear when the new head of the program has a Chinese Warlord as his moniker. It is no wonder the Chinese team placed first while shutting down a viable solution.


    America is hit directly in the face with the China Virus. A level 4 military grade deadly virus that was unleashed on a civilian population. I ended up contracting the virus and it nearly kills me. My two neighbors are ER doctors and most likely the source of my virus. Then like clockwork President Trump loses to a half-baked neo con loser of the left. The poor fool cannot get a crowd of more than 30 to attend a rally. It is sad when there are more Trump supporters yelling at Biden calling him a corrupt POS and reminding him that his son tried to have sex with his dead brother’s wife. Sicker yet is there is purported to be explicit video of Hunter naked chasing his dead brother’s teenage daughter around with what appears to be a crack pipe dangling from his lips. That is a wholesome image I want America to see. It at moments like these when the paper tiger kicks into full gear unleashing a smear campaign on America claiming that America is racist-even if you do not know it. It did not matter those members of my family formed the underground railroad in Ohio. They risked their lives in the abolitionist movement they help to found and is now on display at the Junior college in Elida Ohio. No, the fact that I voted twice for Obama and contributed to his campaign did not matter as Biden screams profanely that all Americans are racist bigots. Americans on the whole reject the assertions made by Black Lives Marxist and ANTIFA and now we know these were Soros/Chinese Communist Party funded organizations.


    Yes, accompanying the China virus were the pathological liars of tech companies who were all too willing to do the bidding of the Beijing. I am told the Chinese General really got excited when he took credit for placing the Russian/Chinese tech companies to locate in the Silicon Valley where they could recruit some of the brightest minds in the world using this work force to advance the interests of CCP while hiding in plain sight. He claimed they could not have accomplished the same level of success with the available quality of candidates to work in China and Russia. Again, it was Sergi Brin – a Russian National that formed Google after migrating to America with a pocket full of cash to found Google giving away free and unlimited email space, browsers used to bypass firewall protection. I have to admit it was a brilliant move on their part. The same Russian Oligarch provided funding for the other tech companies. The vast majority of Americans had no idea these companies were funded by the Russian Oligarch. The investment quickly began to pay off as Google collected usernames and passwords applying AI technology to guess users other passwords and using predictive AI to determine their users other passwords. The next stage was for companies like Facebook who were keen to run race-based algorithms quick sort out any instance throughout the country where race was involved in civil authority was questioned. Any instance where police/civil authority could be undermined. The truth did not matter. It had become a causality of war. CNN = Communist News Network built entire segments hating on President Trump and his family. Truth be damned to faux reporters like Don Lemon who despised Pres. Trump because he assumed he did not like homosexuals. Tragically, it was a lie repeated over and over. This hate and faux justice fed the nightly news cycle a steady diet of woke justice to a make-believe audience of people who cared more about Americas got talent than if Obama – Biden Admin was behind the outing of 30 CIA operatives operating in mainland China. Obama claimed they were outed-by Facebook in China, all 30 men were tortured and executed. We know that the CCP set in place a ruse and ordered/tasked Facebook to craft any story quickly and carefully into a racial story of injustice and hate towards the African American community that was largely unwarranted and a byproduct of America's inherent racist bigotry that permeated every aspect of American life and included each American citizen all 330 million total were now identified by Facebook as racial bigots. The diversion appeared to work. Facebook demanded justice and demanded authorities take action to weed out wherever this nefarious activity occurred and how remote a part of the world that it existed it can all be traced back to America and its founding. Yes, Americans were told daily that even though they did not realize they were racial bigots, Facebook knew that it was true and with the assistance of Twitter, YouTube, Facebook, Google and LinkedIn. The massive store of data is being mirrored at the largest database in the world located in Beijing China. During this same period, Google was making inroads with innovative software design that ensnared users who gleefully used their browser that allowed them to effectively bypass the most powerful firewalls in the world and no one was the wiser as these ass hats of Silicon Valley stole a little piece of America every single day. This as Google, Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn employees stepped over dead bodies as the production of deadly opioids was placed in hyper overdrive with China inventing new synthetic opioids that are 1000 times more lethal than oxycodone and hydrocodone. A single grain of Fentanyl will kill a 200-pound man in minutes. Yes, accompanying the China virus were the pathological liars of tech companies who were all too willing to do the bidding of the Beijing. I am told the Chinese General really got excited when he took credit for placing the Russian/Chinese tech companies to locate in the Silicon Valley where they could recruit some of the brightest minds in the world using this work force to advance the interests of CCP while hiding in plain sight. He claimed they could not have accomplished the same level of success with the available quality of candidates to work in China and Russia. Again, it was Sergi Brin – a Russian National that formed Google after migrating to America with a pocket full of cash to found Google giving away free and unlimited email space, browsers used to bypass firewall protection. I have to admit it was a brilliant move on their part. The same Russian Oligarch provided funding for the other tech companies. The vast majority of Americans had no idea these companies were funded by the Russian Oligarch. The investment quickly began to pay off as Google collected usernames and passwords applying AI technology to guess users other passwords and using predictive AI to determine their users other passwords. The next stage was for companies like Facebook who were keen to run race-based algorithms quick sort out any instance throughout the country where race was involved in civil authority was questioned. Any instance where police/civil authority could be undermined. The truth did not matter. It had become a causality of war. CNN = Communist News Network built entire segments hating on President Trump and his family. Truth be damned to faux reporters like Don Lemon who despised Pres. Trump because he assumed he did not like homosexuals. Tragically, it was a lie repeated over and over. This hate and faux justice fed the nightly news cycle a steady diet of woke justice to a make-believe audience of people who cared more about Americas got talent than if Obama – Biden Admin was behind the outing of 30 CIA operatives operating in mainland China. Obama claimed they were outed-by Facebook in China, all 30 men were tortured and executed. We know that the CCP set in place a ruse and ordered/tasked Facebook to craft any story quickly and carefully into a racial story of injustice and hate towards the African American community that was largely unwarranted and a byproduct of America's inherent racist bigotry that permeated every aspect of American life and included each American citizen all 330 million total were now identified by Facebook as racial bigots. The diversion appeared to work. Facebook demanded justice and demanded authorities take action to weed out wherever this nefarious activity occurred and how remote a part of the world that it existed it can all be traced back to America and its founding. Yes, Americans were told daily that even though they did not realize they were racial bigots, Facebook knew that it was true and with the assistance of Twitter, YouTube, Facebook, Google and LinkedIn. The massive store of data is being mirrored at the largest database in the world located in Beijing China. During this same period, Google was making inroads with innovative software design that ensnared users who gleefully used their browser that allowed them to effectively bypass the most powerful firewalls in the world and no one was the wiser as these ass hats of Silicon Valley stole a little piece of America every single day. This as Google, Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn employees stepped over dead bodies as the production of deadly opioids was placed in hyper overdrive with China inventing new synthetic opioids that are 1000 times more lethal than oxycodone and hydrocodone. A single grain of Fentanyl will kill a 200-pound man in minutes.


    Turns out the merchants of death were not only unleashing military grade level 4 deadly pathogens, but these deadly drugs were emanating out of the same factories of death located in Wuhan China.
    Tesla was funded in an act of vertical integration to ensure the lithium mined in China found a home in Elon Musk’s electric batteries. China continues this global campaign pushing electric cars. There is only one problem with this line of reasoning- the energy generated is still derived from fossil energy, so it is really a net loss. Using my technology would allow the world to modify the existing internal combustion engine with clear distribution lines already established while easily being integrated into a plan for worldwide sustainability. It was not until the behemoth Amazon took center stage going from selling used college textbooks into a massive multibillion dollar company with a penchant for racial justice and a hatred for President Trump. It never seemed odd that a used college book salesman who lost money for more than 10 years is approached by the CCP and seemingly overnight the company becomes a massive success as it destroys mom and pop businesses the world over and is instead replaced with goods from China that often come with a warning- fake, knock off or stolen intellectual property was used to produce this item. Thankfully for Jeff Bezos the Democrats being seers of the future added a rider to a bill that expressly prohibited American consumers from going after Bezos/Amazon for wanton, open and egregious fraud played out as millions of Americans were forced to on-line retail purchases of garbage products provided by Beijing. Smoke detectors with no siren, hair dryers with no GFI- ground fault interruption protection, batteries with a fraction of the lithium, defective car, and truck tires leading to the deaths by electrocution, car and truck roll-overs killing tens of thousands of Americans. All this death and destruction while driving tens of thousands of legitimate businesses into bankruptcy. Large Malls lost several anchor tenets as the few remaining retailers staved off bankruptcy. Then, like clockwork, the affable Jeff Bezos turns social justice warrior. He purchases both the New York Times; Washington Post. Bezos then dutifully fires all conservative editors and replaces them with the woke mob we see today who spew- like on que -what a horrible nation America is and the fact that it is irredeemably racist and good honest people of the Times and Post were duty and honor bound to seek her destruction.


    This has been one of the most organized coordinated attacks on America since its founding in 1776. It should be clear, to everyone observing the carnage left by the Chinese Communist Party and the Russian Communist Party that they have no intention of allowing America to survive even if it means co-opting our corporations, schools, military, department of justice, CIA and a host of other provincial government agencies that are normally supportive institutions. Yet, in the back of people’s minds you want to believe there is a hint of truth to the stories they present as gospel- Americans know in their hearts that it does not take much for evil to prevail over good. Black people are seeing thru the lies and have turned out in record numbers to vote for President Trump. They recognize the paper tiger of Hollywood actors, faux news agencies, athletes, democrats who routinely ignore facts in favor of a lie. American businesses doing business in China who have their profits held hostage by Beijing unless they follow the orders of this agency of terror. Beijing controls the compensation of many foreign multinationals doing business in Beijing. They have no choice but to follow the directives of the CCP. Beijing beat down major brands sold by multinationals are forced to use their hand-picked marketing companies who serve as faux social justice warriors.


    It is clear to the world community of nations that Beijing is a cancer on humanity with no self-evident redeeming qualities. They represent a Godless nation who has no moral compass and is willing to do anything, commit any crime against humanity as long as it prevails in its war on Western Democracy. A hacker I am told got into the mainframe computers located at the largest server farm in the world and left messages with the CCP that America had a proton rail gun pointed at several of Chinas largest cities and it is the opinion of this person that is the one and only thing keeping Beijing from declaring war on America and the rest of Western Democracies determined to stand up to Chinese Communist aggression. Governors from around the country are secretly sending troops to the US Southern Border to stop the invasion by Chinese regular Army. We know of tens of thousands with estimates of 5 battalions already crossed the border into the heartland of America. We are aware of the of thousands of Chinese Special forces embedded in the Mexican drug cartels. We know everything. It was interesting to note that the CCP launched a low orbit space craft to find the proton accelerators that are capable of wiping Beijing off the map in a second or less. The CCP was asked if they genuinely believed Americans had not planned for such a day when a foreign government controlled the President of the United States-It was a rhetorical question. American patriots stand ready to strike a lethal blow to the CCP. It is highly unlikely as it is improbable that America would let a woke general like Milley and Admiral Gilday command US forces. We must allow China to strike first so the arrest of traitors and those who aided and abetted the Chinese Communist Party occurs during war time where the penalty is death for acts of treason, sedition and aiding and abetting the Chinese Communist Party. Once I take office, I will introduce formal articles of impeachment for Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, John Roberts. It was Roberts’ who single handedly turned America into a” banana republic “with abdication of his duty to protect and defend the United States Constitution. His lack of action reverberated around the world as it was witnessed a nearly flawless attack on our Republic from the top down.


    China will pay the United States 75 trillion dollars in reparations for unleashing a level 4 military grade deadly virus on civilian population, the theft of intellectual property, counterfeiting billions in US currency, proxy wars, the death of nearly an entire generation of Americans with lethal drugs imported by the CCP. I will demand a formal declaration of war with Beijing for their overt acts of war. We will silence the bully of Asia once and for all. Western Democracies act accordingly to protect your nations. It is doubtful the imposture in the White House now will come to your aid. It will not be easy, but we will prevail.




    Biden just gifted China with the latest military equipment from Afghanistan. You can thank Biden for modernizing the Chinese Army.


    The war that wasn’t fought, is pretty much over.
    China is certainly the big winner. This can be seen by looking at the grandeur of the Chinese cities, the millions of jobs, the transformation of Chinese high quality education, the advancement of the Chinese military and the dominance of world class Chinese manufacturing and even in the advancement of the Chinese space program, compared with the desolation of America’s inner cities, the rise of crime, inequality and poverty.
    It wasn’t that the Chinese took these things away from America, but that they were surrendered to China in the biggest transfer of wealth from the US to China the world has ever seen. This required to complicity of both the Democratic and Republican Parties for generations, over the last 50 years.
    The idea that Biden is going to reverse generations of bipartisan US policy isn’t realistic.


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