• Biden Forced Americans Into A Game Of Chicken Over Their Livelihoods, And They’re Not Flinching

    October 23, 2021
    FBI Is Conspiring Against The American People

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    There’s this iconic scene in the 1984 “Footloose” where Kevin Bacon’s city-boy character Ren McCormack goes head-to-head with his macho antagonist Chuck Cranston to show who’s the bigger man in a game of “chicken.”

    The two young men mount tractors on opposite ends of a single-lane road facing each other and drive full speed ahead to see who flinches first. In this hazardous game, one of them must swerve off the path, or both could die in the head-on collision — but the first one to swerve will be dubbed the “chicken” for his cowardice. After Ren’s shoelace gets caught on the throttle, keeping him unwittingly on the path, Chuck embarrassingly barrels off his rig at the bitter end into a ditch of water — right in front of his girlfriend, who subsequently falls in love with the victor.

    That scene keeps coming to mind as President Joe Biden’s administration squares off with the American people. The president who promised unity, leadership, and a return to normalcy has challenged you to a game of chicken, is charging at you, and is waiting for you to flinch...

    To read more visit The Federalist.

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    While the MSM condemns the use of ivermectin, the most populated state in India just declared they are officially COVID free after promoting widespread use of the safe, proven medicine. In addition to this, Ivermectin attaches to covid spikes and prevents them from binding to ACE2. Get your Ivermectin today while you still can! https://health.p0l.org/


    People who are critical thinkers are aware that the gene-modifying jab is untested in the long term, and is already causing many adverse health outcomes in the short term. Let's say 20%-30% of the population have the common sense to see this, and so will not be affected by coercion and threats. They also know their survival of COVID is around 99.5% and their body's immune system will cope and develop immunity.

    A reduction of 20-30% of police, medical professionals, firefighters, truckers, airline pilots, sanitation workers etc will cause chaos, deaths and economic ruin. This is the guaranteed outcome of these policies. Therefore, the people behind the policy decisions need to be held to account over the policies they have implemented. Hopefully one day they will be in the dock charged with negligent homicide.


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