• Corrupt Establishment Media Is Now Irrelevant

    December 27, 2021
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    Source-Provided Video And Texts Show CNN Producer Fantasizing About Sex Acts With Fiancé’s Young Daughter

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    The American people have finally woken up to the fact that the corrupt corporate media, which takes billions from the existential threat to the United States, the Chinese Communist Party, is nothing more than a propaganda machine for our enemies.

    Their audience is collapsing without their main target in office, Donald Trump.

    Could the Establishment media be the 'enemy of the people?'

    No Donald Trump in the White House to drive the news cycle means establishment media outlets are being abandoned, 2021 year-end figures released Monday reveal, as multinational corporate control of America’s news is rejected by the very audiences it seeks to engage, reported Breitbart.

    AP reports cable news networks were the main form of evening entertainment for millions of Americans last year. Now those legacy television outlets, alongside digital and print news organizations are suffering in a post-Trump world. Big time.

    In 2021, weekday prime-time viewership dropped 38 percent at CNN, 34 percent at Fox News Channel and 25 percent at MSNBC, according to the Nielsen company.

    The decline was less steep but still significant at broadcast television evening newscasts: 12 percent at ABC’s “World News Tonight” and the “CBS Evening News;” 14 percent at NBC’s “Nightly News,” Nielsen said.

    Of course this phenomenon is the reason we founded CDMedia, as it has been obvious for some time new media is needed in this country.

    Now Americans are demanding it.

    CDMedia is being targeted and obviously too effective! We need your support to put more reporters in the field! Help us here!      


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