• Rise of The Anti-Vactivists: Reaction to the Freedom Convoy from the Royal Canadian Mounted Police

    February 4, 2022
    Image by Jim Mullin

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    What’s eating these renegades staging this stampede? The answer's as unknowable as how its participants were able to afford all that gas. It’s an atrocity: thousands upon thousands of citizens, all of whom are most certainly crazed rednecks, disrupting the peace in such a reckless manner. It's nothing less than straight-up terrorism, an affront to the Truth. (On a side note, the definition of 'anti-vaxxer' is now synonymous with 'psychotic, ' Merriam-Webster announced. A minimal victory, but for what it's worth, at least that ends the whole definition debate).

    It's no secret we are experiencing hard times. But the endless lockdowns and shrinking grocery selections are no reason for cabin fever - or an excuse to spend $10 million raised through GoFundMe without outlining exactly how it'll be distributed. Sure, Trudeau spent $338.5 billion in 2019-20 (and yes, there are rumors that was around $24.3 billion higher than his 2016 budget plan), but he's an elected official. A necessary worker.

    All things considered, it must be made clear:

    The Alberta RCMP uses necessary measures to protect the fundamental freedom of peaceful assembly and freedom of expression, to promote the safety of all citizens, to enforce laws and to maintain peace and order. In turn, it must be recognized that while everyone has a right to peaceful freedom of expression; the general public, local residents and businesses also have the right to a safe environment and freedom of movement. This event is not a peaceful assembly.

    So, to reiterate: the general public, local residents and businesses all have the right to freedom of movement. That's a non-negotiable entitlement, a sacred privilege that must never be interfered with. 

    They will always be - and always have been - guaranteed that right. 
    It is for that very reason that it behooves us to gallop forth our horses and put our most reasonable foot down on the snowy highways of public unhealth. Because O Canada, we stand on guard for thee, and to assist God in keeping our land glorious and free is truly our greatest honour. 

    CDMedia is being targeted and obviously too effective! We need your support to put more reporters in the field! Help us here!       


    Blima Miller

    Blima Miller is a conservative opinion and satire journalist based on Long Island. Her previous publications include American Thinker, The Thinking Conservative, The Jewish Press, and her work has been featured on LocknLoad Radio.
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    Very poetic but no information could be gleaned from this article. Try and give us facts that we can work with and share and leave the poetry to Trudeau


    This is clearly satire


    It's a satire opinion piece obviously, the purpose of the article is to show the ridiculousness of the RCMP's propaganda.

    King Joey

    "Local residents and businesses all have the right to freedom of movement. That’s a non-negotiable entitlement, a sacred privilege that must never be interfered with." - DOES THIS MEAN the RCP will NOT ENFORCE vaccine passports? OR - is this a double standard, and THEY will pick and choose to enforce whatever they damnwell please?


    Apparently you did not see the Canadian Police Official Statement. Last night on Stew Peters. They said about the same as this article says??? Satire?? Not entirely!! Horrible consequences I fear. There will be arrests and violence!! Mark my words!!!

    Vickie S

    Please. Stew Peters is NOT a credible source. Don't believe me? Go back 2 years and watch his show, with all his "insider information" that never came through. He, Charlie Ward, Simon Parks, Charlie Freak, and the rest of their little band of grifters will tell you whatever will get you to click on their link and buy their MLM products. NOT Credible.

    King Joey

    Interesting - I've seen a few of his videos on subjects I'm familiar with and he was not only spot on, he nailed some lying pieces of shyte to the wall and watching them squirm was delicious! I can't speak to any of the historical content or individuals you alluded to, but I will listen to Stew Peters over ANYONE in the Demonrat party anymore! Are YOU a Demonrat Vickie?


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