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Guest post by Duane Armstrong, a former Pharma executive

The pandemic has revealed corruption in every institution at many levels. Media, Government, Big Tech and Big Pharma have all earned considerable negative publicity and trust in each of them has been eroded.

There is another corrupt institution that deserves to be labeled as negatively as these others, and it also has lost the trust of the public. That institution is the whole of the medical industry. This includes physicians, hospitals, retail pharmacies and anyone else in the industry who has lied, covered up and misled. The CDC, FDA, NIH, WHO and NIAID are guilty as charged.

The above mentioned members of the industry have carried the water for Fauci, Collins, Wallensky and others who have made lying a habit and who have ignored the principle of “do no harm.” The AMA and AHA share the guilt, as do rank and file private and hospital-based physicians.

Physicians across the country have withheld early treatment that would have saved thousands of lives. Whistleblowing hospital nurses have testified that doctors knowingly withheld those treatments, at the direction of the hospital administration. And when remdesivir came along, that highly toxic drug was the only drug allowed and it alone led to a high number of adverse events and deaths. In addition, it is widely known that patient advocates were not allowed to be with patients, a clear violation of patient rights.

The numbers of Covid admissions were inflated to capitalize on the whopping government payouts that filled the hospital coffers. Hospitals benefitted greatly from the mandated use of the very expensive remdesivir. Hospitals fired physicians who dared to treat patients with the less expensive known curatives. The corruption in hospitals has been palpable.

Doctors and hospitals have pushed the mandates on an experimental vaccine that is ineffective and dangerous, and discriminated against employees and patients who have chosen to not be vaccinated. They have also mandated masks which everyone knows now are not effective. Doctors know this yet continue to propagate a lie. 

It is likely that your physician has not told you the truth about the vaccine. It is also likely that if you received the vaccine you were not informed about the possibility of serious adverse events. This is a violation of federal law, but do not look for any legal remedy.

There are physicians who are truthful and are fighting against the corruption and lies, but they are in the minority. Do your best to find such a physician to be your personal physician. If you leave the practice of a physician who has been compromised, inform the practice of the reason for leaving.

I was associated with the medical industry from 1961-2002. I have been around and worked with hundreds and hundreds of physicians over those years. I held the profession in the highest of esteem. I no longer do so. I have worked closely with hundreds of hospitals and held them at the same level of esteem. No longer. 

It truly disappoints me to say that I have little to no trust in physicians or hospitals, but as an institution, they have broken the bond of trust.


“My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.” Hosea 4:6

“The truth is like a lion; you don’t have to defend it. Let it loose. It will defend itself” St. Augustine

“Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them.” Ephesians 5:11

“So have no fear of them, for nothing is covered that will not be revealed, or hidden that will not be known.” Matthew 10:26

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