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If an election were held in Ukraine today, Victor Medvechuk would stomp Volodymyr Zelensky by a larger margin than the 70%+ Zelensky beat Poroshenko by.

Until Victor Medvechuk became a political rival, he and Zelensky were friends. Medvechuk gave Zelensky’s career in show business a start early on.

His great crime is believing Ukraine should remain neutral and concentrate on its own development. For this, Zelensky offered Russia a prisoner exchange or Medvechuk. This is unparalleled in history. A president of a country offering his political rival to a foreign country so he doesn’t have to face him in an election?

Victor Medvechuk’s political program called for an end to the conflict in Donbass which Zelensky was mandated to do by 70%+ of Ukrainian voters when he was elected. Instead, Zelensky went out of his way to spark a war with Russia. Zelensky even lied to his Minsk guarantor Germany about being committed to fulfilling the Minsk agreement steps.

Medvechuk would have avoided a meltdown of the Ukrainian economy which began before the war started and according to Ukrainian experts was going to shut down all Ukrainian business by the end of June. Joe Biden’s support for Ukraine transferred this meltdown to the US economy and then worldwide with Russian sanctions that didn’t hurt Russia. They were geared to hurt you.

After demanding the world stop buying Russian oil and fertilizer, Biden just increased US oil imports from Russia by 43%. Before he sanctioned Russia, the US was buying 10% of its supply from…Russia.

The CNBC article calls Medvechuk a pro-Kremlin politician living in Ukraine. What the F@ck? That’s like calling Donald Trump a pro-Kremlin politician living in the US. Oh, the media did that too, remember?

Zelensky recently got rid of all his opposition in the next election by illegalizing 11 political parties and nationalizing media to the point that if a foreign journalist writes something his administration doesn’t like, it’s an eight year prison term for writing the facts.

Ukraine’s little strongman is making all the same moves his political idol did in the 1920s-mid 40s. MSM and the Democratic Party are eating this up and picking up pointers to turn on MAGA and other reform oriented republicans this November.

What you are witnessing is Joe Biden’s dream come true in the form of a Ukrainian pronoun. Which pronoun is still out for debate, but let’s look at the facts.

Joe Biden and the Dems would love to follow suit and marginalize anyone opposing their agenda. Wait, that’s been going on since 2015.

Joe Biden and the Dems would love it if his detractors were forced to hate what they hate because of political ramifications in spite of the facts and evidence to the contrary being available. Zelensky did by nationalizing media and making it illegal to report news that made his hair look bad.

Sorry, that’s old news in America now isn’t it? MSM has been carrying this torch since the beginning of the Ukrainian-Obama-Clinton-Biden information operation began in 2014.

Joe Biden and the Dems would love to prosecute their political opponents in media like Zelensky and send them to Russia. Once again, old news.

Biden and the Democrats dream about using a militant wing like Zelensky found with Azov to create tragedy and make them look heroic, caring, and patriotic. In 2020, didn’t Biden and the Democrats do the same thing with Antifa and BLM? Sigh, old news again.

What this shows is every step Ukraine’s Zelensky is taking shows his government is rabidly nationalist. Don’t confuse patriotism with nationalism. They are very different. Most of the 3rd Reich SS were socialists and came directly out of the first generation of Antifa in Germany.

For Ukraine it started in 1991. The following is a statement from the last Ukrainian president Mikola Plavyuk when he turned over the powers of state to Ukraine’s first president Kravchuk.

Ukraine, being an integral part of the empire under the name of the USSR, nevertheless had its own President. But he was abroad. When August 24 was proclaimed, and on December 1, 1991, a nationwide referendum confirmed the restoration of the Ukrainian state, the last President of the exile was obliged to act in accordance with a historical document signed by Simon Petliura. Why did he transfer his powers to Leonid Kravchuk, how he perceives the present realities, which sees the prospect of our state … These and other questions on the eve of Independence Day are answered by Mykola Plavyuk, the last President of Ukraine in the exile.”

To receive the powers of state, Kravchuk agreed Ukraine would develop into a fascist nationalist state. Simon Petliura murdered over 100,000 Ukrainians, including over 35,000 Jews in his bid to create a nationalist Ukraine.

Until 2014, Plavyuk’s always failing form of nationalism was the rule in Ukrainian politics. After Maidan, the WWII version pushed out the WWI version and stepped up to the despotism of Zelensky today.

The following is from Ukrainian nationalist historical sources. According to Taras Kuzio, in 1945, OUNb (Bandera) leader Slava Stetsko went to Berlin begging Adolf Hitler for money to build more armies. After 1991, Stetsko moved to Lviv and ran for a Rada seat for her party CUN. She served in the Rada and has the distinction of being the only WWII 3rd Reich leader to hold office in the country where her OUNb armies were responsible for millions of deaths including staffing Hitler’s death camps across Europe.

CUN had a militant wing called the Stepan Bandera All Ukrainian Organization or Trizub (Banderi). Dimitro Yarosh was the leader of this group and her bodyguard. We have a WWII nazi leader Slava Stetsko (1st generation politically) and her successor in Ukraine, Dimitro Yarosh (2nd generation politically) behind the scenes in charge of all the nationalist groups and their funding inside the newly formed post-Soviet Ukrainian government. Today, these groups threaten Zelensky with murder if he exits the war.

Zelensky shows he prefers the 1930s unchallengeable Bandera nationalist leader model as the ultimate ruler to the parliamentary rule of government they were given in 1991.

Our grandparents had a term they used for Zelensky’s preferred leadership style- Nazism. Religion and politics are different things. Stop confusing them.

Adolf Hitler was on a Time cover like Zelensky. Before Hitler became the most hated man in the world, he was one of the most beloved by politicians and media across the world…like Zelensky.If this is true about Ukraine, and it is, what does this say about Joe Biden and the Democratic Party leadership parallels today?

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