• A Cold Climate On NYC Streets

    May 6, 2022
    Image by ScifoRobert

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    I often walk home after school drop off. The over eighty block stretch affords me the chance to pass by multiple neighborhoods; Upper East Side, Sutton Place, Midtown, Park Avenue South, Flatiron, Union Square, Greenwich Village, Washington Square Park, Soho, and Tribeca. 

    Each time, I pass by myriad homeless encampments. They’re overflowing with cardboard, discarded furniture, personal belongings, garbage, food, sometimes drug paraphernalia and human waste.  Passing by these historical locations, normally enchanting to tourists, now permissible magnets for the homeless.  It angers and frustrates due to the mismanagement of the crisis and the dishonesty surrounding the problem. 

    On one particular day, after hopscotching over an encampment long enough to take up half the block and deep enough to spill out onto the street  sanctioned off with stolen orange cones, I was caught off guard.  Making sure I wasn’t hit by oncoming traffic, I failed to anticipate being steamrolled by a Climate Justice / Save the Environment march. 

    The irony was unbelievable; the marchers also had to navigate the encampment and ignore the climate / environmental violators in their wake.  But with impressive resolve, refused to acknowledge the prone humans and the mass of detritus. 

    Not only that, these warriors marched in armor; masks.  

    The Left has claimed “climate” as a funding tool. On the National level, it was the heart of the flawed and failed Build Back Better bill.  At the local level in New York City, it’s the heart of the policies that have created homelessness. New York City residents don’t see climate as an existential threat; it polled at 3%. They do care about the homeless crisis creating a problematic climate - it’s what turned Chinatown from blue to red.

    It’s past time the Right set the record straight. The Left’s policies and beliefs are what is hurting the environment and the climate.

    From March 2020 to July 2021, 1.6 billion disposable masks were dumped into our oceans. Then, they stopped counting.  It’s blue cities and states that pushed masks. In fact, New York City wins for being the only place left on earth making toddlers mask.  Speaking of masks, Biden recently mistook Title 42 for something to do with masks on planes.  His response, "No. What I'm considering is continuing to hear from my, my -- well, first of all, there's going to be an appeal by the Justice Department, because as a matter of principle we want to be able to be in a position where if -- in fact -- it is strongly concluded by the scientists that we need Title 42, that we be able to do that.  But there has been no decision on extending Title 42."  Translation, he’s against the federal judge's decision to strike down the mask mandate on planes, trains, and public transportation.

    Since covid, there’s an extra 8 million tons of plastic waste attributed to the pandemic. Plastic gloves, visors, bags, sanitizer bottles, used to thwart a virus with no proof of efficacy. 

    The charade continues.  It’s difficult to quantify how much additional waste is generated by the onslaught of New York City’s expanding homeless population.  They don’t drive cars or live in homes generating pollution that’s popular to discuss - the type we can do either little about or have little to no impact on.  However, they do create pollution that’s visible, able to be tackled, but unpopular to discuss. 

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    During the Giuliani administration, encampments and impeding foot traffic weren’t permitted.  Violators got tickets and encampments dismantled.   Under the de Blasio and Adams administration, there’s been no clear pushback to a radical City Council that voted to defund NYPD and New York Department of Sanitation (DSNY).   Compounding the issues are Adams’ “shelter dumps.”  Ratcheting up the efforts of de Blasio to destroy traditionally safe, thriving, residential areas, Adams is targeting dense populations in tight areas.   For example, Chinatown already has six shelters, four more are on the way, plus six methadone clinics. This Is a surefire way to create more environmental concerns and a fractious climate.

    “Health of the Homeless and Climate Change” exposes hypocrisy. Homeless are used as politically expedient shills to push climate change but nothing is done to make either their “climate” better or that of the non homeless forced to accept climate.  “The homeless are amongst the most vulnerable groups in developed regions, suffering from high rates of poorly controlled chronic disease, smoking, respiratory conditions, and mental illness, all of which render them vulnerable to new and resurgent disease processes associated with climate change. To date, there have been no papers reviewing the impacts of climate change on the homeless population.”  If there are no reviews, how can we put any faith into this assertion?

    Under President Trump, US greenhouse gas emissions, supposedly the leading cause in global warming, were lower than that of the Obama administration. Free markets, Capitalism, despised by the Left, spurs competition and innovation.  Under the vice of one party rule, the government in Washington and New York City attempts to sell an ill conceived climate agenda, but wastes copious amounts of taxpayers’ money padding spending bills and “budgets” with pork tied to the boondoggle known as the Green New Deal agenda. Its only discernible “achievement” is homelessness.

    Jacqueline Toboroff

    IG @jacquelinefornyc

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    Jacqueline Toboroff

    Jackie is the editor-in-chief of TheManhattan.press, 1st book hitting the shelves in March 2023, Jacqueline is a Manhattan native focused on NYC issues, finding solutions, and providing a voice for the void. IG @jacquelinefornyc Twitter @jacquetnyc www.Jacquelinefornyc.com
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    Try looking at the NYCHA buildings and apartments. The sight will make your eyes bleed and have more loathsome dislike for NY politicians and City Council who profit from Medicaid/welfare-paid apartments while tenants live in squalor.


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