• Let Us Not Become Weary (In The Pursuit Of Truth)

    August 12, 2022
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    Guest post by John Hughes

    October 2020 – Facebook and Twitter stop the story of the Hunter Biden laptop from being viewed on social media.  “Following the expose, the Washington Post’s “Fact Checker” feature said the paper “has not been able to verify or authenticate these emails” and said there were “fears that the emails could be part of a broader disinformation campaign” by Russia.”1

    March 2022 – the NY Times and Washington Post confirm that the Hunter Biden laptop with incriminating emails is authentic.  “The Times buried its verification of the emails in the 24th paragraph of a 38-paragraph story that said Hunter Biden had paid off a significant tax debt to the IRS, potentially making it harder for prosecutors to win a conviction or a long sentence against him for tax fraud.”2  No major news outlet issued any apology or explanation for the 18 month delay until well after the election.  The laptop investigation continues as the DOJ considers whether to prosecute.

    April 2022 - General Darryl Williams (then Superintendent of USMA) spoke to USMA graduates at a reunion.  When specifically questioned about Critical Race Theory at West Point, he denied knowledge of indoctrination of CRT in West Point’s curriculum and asked graduates to provide him with the names of specific instructors believed to be involved so that he could investigate them.

    June 2022 – “The more than 600 (West Point Critical Race Theory) documents were only handed over to Judicial Watch after the conservative organization sued the Department of Defense.”3    West Point officials, who guard the Honor Code and teach ethics to future Army officers, have yet to comment on the Superintendent’s denial of the existence of the CRT documents that are now proven to exist.

    May 2021 – Dr Fauci:  “When you get vaccinated, you not only protect your own health and that of the family but also you contribute to the community health by preventing the spread of the virus throughout the community,” Fauci said. “In other words, you become a dead end to the virus. And when there are a lot of dead ends around, the virus is not going to go anywhere. And that’s when you get a point that you have a markedly diminished rate of infection in the community.”4

    “Think you’ve read this article before? Well, you haven’t - not quite. But Covid-19  outbreaks on cruise ships are now such a regular occurrence that you would be forgiven for getting a hefty dose of de ja vu after reading this headline.”  Forbes.com reported on yet another cruise ship covid outbreak, this one in Brisbane, Australia in July 20225. Australia has an 84% vaccination rate, among the highest in the world and requires cruise passengers to be fully vaccinated and covid tested before boarding ships.  I continue to treat cruise passengers in ERs who caught covid on cruise ships despite being vaccinated, boosted and PCR tested prior to embarking.  ‘In other words’ it is now widely acknowledged that yet another of Dr Fauci’s lies was that the vaccine prevented covid spread.

    May 2021 – Brookings Institute addressed concerns about defunding the police saying “Myth #2: Defunding Will Lead to Disorder.  Another misconception is that police forces are what maintains order. However, studies have found that the best tools to establish peaceful societies are equity in education and infrastructure. Indeed, research shows that lack of education and illiteracy are some of the most significant predictors of future prison populations.6”  “They urged cities to “defund the police”, and politicians listened. Eric Garcetti, the mayor of Los Angeles, called for his department’s budget to be cut by up to $150m. London Breed, San Francisco’s mayor, announced that she would “redirect funding from the sfpd to support the African-American community”. City councils in Oakland and Portland, Oregon, among other cities across America, approved budgets that cut police funding.”

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    (2022) “That trend has reversed. Portland and Oakland increased police funding to hire more officers. The Los Angeles Police Department’s budget will get a 12% boost. Last month Ms Breed vowed to “take steps to be more aggressive with law enforcement” and “less tolerant of all the bullshit that has destroyed our city.”7  Massive increases in crime and murder followed when major metropolitan regions around the country cut police funding, rolled back prosecution of crimes, and in some cases, promoted violence against police officers.  The majority of Americans in 2022 polls don’t support defunding the police, largely due to the predictable increase in violence and crime the illogical campaign unleashed.

    August 2021 – President Biden on Americans left in Afghanistan:  “For those remaining Americans, there is no deadline. We remain committed to get them out if they want to come out,” Biden said, citing the diplomatic work ahead, albeit without an embassy in Kabul, to secure safe passage on commercial flights and via overland routes.” “Now, we believe that about 100 to 200 Americans remain in Afghanistan with some intention to leave,” he said. “The bottom line: 90 percent of Americans in Afghanistan who wanted to leave were able to leave.”9

    In February 2022, a Senate Foreign Relations Committee report revealed that over 9,000 Americans were abandoned in Afghanistan by President Biden in August 2021.  Thousands were rescued by private American citizens.  As of June 2022, several hundred Americans were still reported to be stranded in Afghanistan.10

    4 August 2022 – FBI Director Christopher Wray said “The breadth, depth, and complexity of the threats our folks are tackling are immense, and I continue to be inspired by the work they continue to do on behalf of the American people.”11  A few days later he was confronted by the media to provide and explanation for the unprecedented raid on a former President’s private home.  He is to provide details on the warrant next week, only because a judge ordered his agency to do so.

    On 4 August 2022, FBI Director Wray responded when asked about documents released by Project Veritas that showed that the FBI was training agents to recognize the Betsy Ross flag, Come and Get it Flag, and Gadsden Flag (as terrorist symbols), that he was "not familiar" with the oversized copy of the alleged leaked document behind the senator, and was "not in the practice of trying to comment on documents that I haven't recognized."12  Apparently the FBI director doesn’t keep tabs on his agents who are condemning symbols of our nation’s freedom as the terrorist logos of extremists.

    Truth and freedom continue to be under assault in every corner of American society, from social media to government agencies to health care to the military.  2022 has been a good year for exposing many false truths uttered by totalitarian government officials who control much of the mass communications means in our society.  Americans from all political sides must continue in every state, vocation, and other forum to challenge falsehoods and censorship that threaten US democracy and freedom.  Eternal vigilance is vital.  Nerves of steel to confront enemies of freedom is essential.  Ironically, it was the Washington Post who created the motto “Democracy dies in darkness.”  How prophetic and self-incriminating.  

    Galations 6:9 NIV. “Let us not become weary in doing good.”

    John Hughes, MD

    Emergency Physician

    USMA Class of 1996 (#1 graduate)

    3rd Generation West Pointer

    4 combat tours of duty in Iraq and Afghanistan

    1Roberts, Jeff.  “Facebook moves to limit spread of dubious Biden laptop story.”  Fortune.com  14 OCT 2020.

    2Golding, Bruce.  “Washington Post Joins New York Times in finally admitting emails from Hunter Biden’s laptop are real.”  Nypost.com  30 MAR 2022.

    3Propper, David.  “US Army teaching Critical Race Theory to West Point cadets:  report.  Nypost.com  20 JUN 2022.

    4Choi, Joseph.  “Vaccinated people become ‘dead ends’ for the virus.”  Thehill.com  16 MAY 2021.

    5Forster, Victoria.  “Not again.  Another Cruise Ship has a major covid-19 outbreak.”  Forbes.com  11 JUL 2022.

    6Henderson, Howard, et al.  “7 Myths About Defunding the Police Debunked.”  Brookings.edu  19 May 2021.  







    not in the practice of trying to comment on documents that I haven't recognized."12  Apparently the FBI director doesn’t keep tabs on his agents who are condemning symbols of our nation’s freedom as the terrorist logos of extremists.

    Truth and freedom continue to be under assault in every corner of American society, from social media to government agencies to health care to the military.  2022 has been a good year for exposing many false truths uttered by totalitarian government officials who control much of the mass communications means in our society.  Americans from all political sides must continue in every state, vocation, and other forum to challenge falsehoods and censorship that threaten US democracy and freedom.  Eternal vigilance is vital.  Nerves of steel to confront enemies of freedom is essential.  Ironically, it was the Washington Post who created the motto “Democracy dies in darkness.”  How prophetic and self-incriminating.  

    Galations 6:9 NIV. “Let us not become weary in doing good.”

    John Hughes, MD

    Emergency Physician

    USMA Class of 1996 (#1 graduate)

    3rd Generation West Pointer

    4 combat tours of duty in Iraq and Afghanistan

    1Roberts, Jeff.  “Facebook moves to limit spread of dubious Biden laptop story.”  Fortune.com  14 OCT 2020.

    2Golding, Bruce.  “Washington Post Joins New York Times in finally admitting emails from Hunter Biden’s laptop are real.”  Nypost.com  30 MAR 2022.

    3Propper, David.  “US Army teaching Critical Race Theory to West Point cadets:  report.  Nypost.com  20 JUN 2022.

    4Choi, Joseph.  “Vaccinated people become ‘dead ends’ for the virus.”  Thehill.com  16 MAY 2021.

    5Forster, Victoria.  “Not again.  Another Cruise Ship has a major covid-19 outbreak.”  Forbes.com  11 JUL 2022.

    6Henderson, Howard, et al.  “7 Myths About Defunding the Police Debunked.”  Brookings.edu  19 May 2021.  








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