Former PM, Boris Johnson, And Current PM, Rishi Sunak

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Finally, the establishment got the candidate it wanted. This time they did not even bother with quaint ceremonialism such as voting.

Already last time, the "Conservative" top brass, i.e., the "Conservative" Member of Parliament, wanted Sunak as their candidate. They then gave the unwashed party base a choice between him and Liz Truss. The latter one went on to become the shortest-serving prime minister in UK history.

By the way, both of them were young WEF leaders. Thus, the "Conservative" base had the choice between one WEF candidate or the other. They chose the wrong one. At least according to the "Conservative" top brass.

The one the party base chose was flawed on a number of levels, but at least she had read some Hayek and Mises and made a timid attempt in that direction.

We cannot have that. Now we got the 'right' WEF candidate without the risk of a vote.

If you are curious - google "Rishi Sunak WEF." This will bring up the following somewhat incomplete WEF links that I am not entirely sure are really meant for public consumption: Link (maybe I am reading too much into this, possibly, it is just for anyone who has attended the illustrious event taking place every year in Davos).

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Johnson's flip-flop

I should add that Boris Johnson would have been more than happy to throw his hat in the ring; he even flew back from his vacation in the Dominican Republic. But, alas, after he arrived, he surmised, "Now is not the time" ( Link ). In Boris-speak, this means - "I did not get anywhere near the 100 MP votes I needed". A short while before, he sounded certain that he would crack that threshold ( Link )

The strange meteoric rise of Sunak

There is something extraordinary, if not somewhat fishy, about Sunak's meteoric rise. 

Relatively out of nowhere, he became an MP in 2015 at the ripe old age of 35. 

If you have ever been involved in party politics, this is quite extraordinary. 

Usually, it takes many years, probably decades, to build up your network and resume within the party - gradually making a name for yourself, forging alliances, and identifying rivals and enemies. It also helps, as Boris Johnson has shown, to be popular with the wider electorate.

Sunak checked none of those boxes - his seat in Richmond/Yorkshire is considered to be a safe seat. It has been held by the "Conservative" party since 1910. He seemed relatively obscure before representing Boris Johnson in some of the 2019 electoral debates, made Chief Secretary to the Treasury in 2019, and in 2020 Chancellor of the Exchequer. His lack of popular appeal was already underscored when the party base favored the awkward Liz Truss over him.

I had described his clumsy attempts to appear "folksy" when he, as part of his appeal to the party base, was filmed in pubs, waiving to fellow pub-goers. It had a feeling of a Martian trying to fit in with phrases like "Greetings, fellow earthlings, I, too, like ingesting alcohol" ( Link ). 

His knack for staging carefully crafted, yet fake-looking, PR campaigns was also shown when photos were published of him working late at night, next to a dog (probably his, who knows), a Twix bar, and a can of Sprite alongside him ( Link ). Another of his "I am one of you. Really!"-moments.

Sunak's knife was out as soon as Partygate broke. "Ready for Rishi"

Amongst many things that make it doubtful that he will ever appeal to the wider electorate is his questionable loyalty (or lack thereof) to Boris Johnson. Within days of the "Partygate" pictures being leaked (of Johnson and his staff having parties as the country was in lockdown and the Queen had to sit on her own during her husband's funeral), Sunak had registered the corny web domain "Ready for Rishi" ( Link ).

He who pays the piper…Chinese influence on Sunak and Hunt?

In previous articles, I have already described how his connection to the fortunes of the Murthy/Infosys family through his wife, Akshata Murthy ( Link ), raises questions vis-a-vis being susceptible to Chinese influence, given Infosys's considerable investments there ( Link ). Not entirely surprisingly, Sunak, as Chancellor, had been advocating "deepening ties" with China. It, therefore, should not astonish us entirely to learn that Chinese state media enthusiastically endorsed him ( Link ).

As described in my last article, Sunak does not appear to be the only one in his administration with "deepened ties" to China. The wife of his current Chancellor of the Exchequer, Jeremy Hunt, is a presenter of a television program that is part-owned by the Chinese state ( Link ). Furthermore, you would not be completely paranoid if Hunt's enthusiasm for Chinese-style lockdowns gets you a tad concerned ( Link ). I should add that among Hunt's illustrious group of financial supporters would be the Saudi Royal family – they chipped in a penny or two for his failed leadership contest against Boris Johnson ( Link ) 

Digital government currency a la Chinese social credit

This is not the only element of the Hunt / Sunak administration that seems to draw inspiration from Beijing. By far, the biggest whopper is Sunak's sympathy for a Chinese-style digital government currency ( Link ). 

"What's the worry here?" - you may ask, especially as I am known to be a big bitcoin advocate. 

The difference is that bitcoin is decentralized, leaderless, and anarchic. 

A digital government currency is the opposite - it is centralized and can be programmed in the way the government wants. 

For instance, it can be programmed only to work within 2 miles of your house – say, if the government thinks you are a troublemaker or your carbon footprint is too great. Or it can be programmed to be only spent on "essential goods" - rather than cars, ham radio, government-critical media outlets, or conservative campaigns and causes. Programmable currencies are the stuff of dystopian nightmares that would make the novel 1984 cute and cuddly in comparison.

Sunak fluff pieces, even from the Daily Mail

Remarkably, even the otherwise establishment critical newspaper, the Daily Mail, started writing fluff pieces that were very much geared at painting a likable portrait of Sunak and his wife ( Link ). The same, otherwise critical newspaper then goes on as it jubilates that "finally we are being treated as adults" ( Link ) - as, under a "Conservative" government, we are reaching the highest tax burden in 70 years ( Link ).

The establishment is back

The establishment is firmly back in power, and even the conservative-leaning press is doing its bidding. It seems we are now perpetually subscribed to what Johnson has treated us to for the past 3 years - high spending, large government (all that rhetoric about painful cuts notwithstanding), and high levels of migration.

Red herrings 

Speaking of migration - the biggest red herring currently being debated is the focus on illegal boat migration into the United Kingdom. 

Yes, the numbers are nothing to sneeze at - more than 20,000 illegal migrants coming over from perfectly safe France into Britain, sometimes hundreds per day ( Link ).

At the same time, legal immigration is a far bigger problem: For 2022, 1.1 million (!) visas have been granted to come to the UK ( Link ). 

Granted, roughly half of those are students (then again, historically, many of those tend to stay). However, even when we subtract this number and even account for net immigration (i.e., juxtaposing that figure with Brits moving abroad), in essence, we are adding a city the size of Glasgow every year to the UK. Ponder a second on the impact on schools and Britain's failing healthcare service NHS, transportation, utilities, etc. 

The answer to more immigration is always more immigration

Predictably, the answer to more immigration is always even more immigration. 

If one points out the impact on healthcare services - one always hears the phrase, "but NHS totally depends on immigration." 

So yes, in order to cope with immigration (and the high levels of diabetes, obesity, and genetic defects due to cousin marriage: Link ), we are inviting more doctors and nurses from abroad without wondering too much about the validity of their certifications.

Politics for adults. No 'magical fixes' for immigration?

Following the ousting of Truss, the supporters of Sunak and Hunt have been quick to brand their approach as "adult politics" - no more unfunded promises, no more wishful thinking. If this only were true. 

None of them seems to be wanting to tackle the ticking time bomb of migration.

The pitifully untalented Blairite scribbler (his mom and dad are very influential, though) Dan Hodges - as well from the Daily Mail - treats us to these genius-level musings: "We're supposed to be welcoming the return of grown-up politics. Fine. What if there's actually no solution to the migrant crisis? Everyone - on all sides - is acting as if there is some magic fix. What if there's no magic fix? What if there's no fix at all." ( Link )

This is typical establishment-speak for "This is too complicated for you to understand. There is nothing we can do about it. We can only manage it, (not so) sorry".

Curiously enough, such magical fixes suddenly did exist during the Covid-crisis. Overnight it WAS possible to lock down the borders, even for Germany (even though the likes of Angela Merkel not so long ago had told us the opposite: Link ). 

Suddenly it was possible to limit travel from certain countries more than others (my native Germany for two Christmases in a row made travel into Germany from the UK very difficult, in one instance suspended air travel from the UK entirely - Germany's dim-witted politicians are still sore losers about the whole Brexit thing) – without screeching "discrimination."

Lest we forget, the UK is an Island nation. 

It should not take rocket scientists to figure out that securing a sea border is infinitely easier than a long-ish land border, a la Germany.

The electorate is not being served by any party in the UK

So what if you are one of these unwashed yokels like myself? 

You voted for Brexit in 2016. 

You confirmed in the last European Parliamentary Election in 2019 that "yes, I meant it, I want Brexit." 

You re-confirmed in December 2019 again with the landslide Johnson victory election "Yes, I really, really meant it, now deliver it."

Then suddenly, you get lockdowns, net-zero-green policy, free speech regulations, higher taxes, high spending, more migration, and in quick succession 2 WEF-approved Prime Ministers that you had never voted for. And now, these prime ministers seem to be predominantly worried about HOW to house illegal boat migrants (from secure France, no less) - mostly in rather fancy hotels.

What would you do? 

Clearly, no one is listening - the opposition party is even worse.

Well, without ever endorsing or excusing violence, some idiots amongst the frustrated electorate might just think that taking matters into their own hands would be the answer. This is what happened on 30 October at a migration center in Kent ( Link ).

Such an attempt on human life is obviously abominable and contemptible. Furthermore, it will just provide the government with more ammunition; a la "far right is the real danger."

Still, I fear we will see a lot more of such contemptible acts of despair from an electorate that is being widely ignored.

Hopefully, a third party will emerge before this gets out of hand. Nigel Farage has his work cut out for him. 

He needs to act. 
