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I enjoyed President Trump's announcement speech last night - it was sober and positive. His candidacy will provide much needed hope to the Deplorables. Combined with the winning of the House of the Representatives by the GOP, and the firing of Nancy Pelosi, the energy was palpable.

However, he didn't talk about the election fraud cabal and how he will defeat it.

He has to talk about the election fraud - no more hopium!

I'm sure this was on purpose, and I'm sure he will talk about it in the future. However, it HAS to be done.

The American people are angry. If Trump does not address this issue, his candidacy will not be seen as serious. It will be seen as an extension of the information operation being waged against them.

I want Trump's campaign to be the beginning of a new American century.

We won't 'trust the plan' anymore. We have no more time!

Ball's in your court 45...

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