• White South Africans Face Crime And Torture But Still Believe US And Europe Face Darker Future: Ernst Roets

    May 3, 2024
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    In an exclusive interview with Remix News, Ernst Roets, the head of policy for the Solidarity Movement in South Africa, spoke with Remix News about the future of White Boers in South Africa, how they're building their own community, and why they have more hope for the future of South Africa than the U.S. and Europe despite enormous amounts of violence directed at them.

    What is the current situation in South Africa?

    We have some serious problems in South Africa. You can categorize them into two, maybe three categories. One is the government itself failing on every conceivable level. We are talking about crime, economics, service, delivery, infrastructure — everything.

    The second is the threat that we see through the media and universities and so forth, which is promoting wokeness and leftist ideology that is taught to students and people, who are being indoctrinated.

    And then the third issue is what is resulting from these two trends: lawlessness and crime. The murder rate in South Africa is more than 40 people per 100,000 per year—the farm murders, we have gang-related violence. So, just general lawlessness is becoming a big problem...

    To read more visit Zero Hedge.

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