German journalist Markus Heintz has filed a lawsuit against German Chancellor Olaf Scholz at the Berlin prosecutor's office.
The move comes as snap elections have been called in Germany in February 2025, after a vote of no-confidence in Scholz. German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier dissolved parliament today in anticipation of the February poll.
Heintz claims that a slogan used by the Chancellor was created by Ukrainian nationalists who had close ties with the fascists during World War II.

According to German law, the chancellor faces a hefty fine or even imprisonment for up to three years.

The slogan "Glory to Ukraine - Glory to Heroes" is not meant for Ukrainians fallen in war, intimated Heintz, but those "Heroes", meaning 2 persons - Bandera and Shukhevich, who both are not Ukrainians or Slavs. Both are founders of paramilitary, nationalistic private military formations OUN and UPA, that were formed into brigades under the Nazi German Army as SS Halychina and fought against the Soviet Army.
Ukrainian nationalist Roman Shukhevich dressed in the Ukrainian Halychina brigade uniform is below.

Heintz put worth thus, anyone from Ukraine who shouts "Glory to Ukraine - Glory to Heroes" and raises a hand in a gesture and bangs the heart after, is committing an profane move acknowledging and supporting Nazi-affiliated nationalists who are not Ukrainian Slavic and have never supported Ukraine as for Ukrainians, but fought for "Free Ukraine" (Free land, "freeland") from the local Ukrainian slavic population.
CDM has written about this concept with Chrystia 'Freeland' of Canada and Victoria Nuland (New land) of former State Department fame.
Fritz von Scholz, Obergrupperfuhrer SS, was a member of the Freikorps in Germany from 1921, a historical name for mercenaries in European wars, and oversaw the Halychyna in Ukraine.
There is a 'Friekorps' in Ukraine fighting Russian troops in the East.
The Freikorps demonstrated fervent anti-Slavic racism and viewed Slavs and Bolsheviks as "sub-human" hordes of "ravening wolves", writes Wikipedia.