• IO Episode 27 - Interview With Michael Daugherty Of The Justice Society, On 'Daugherty Vs Raffensperger GA Election Case

    May 10, 2021

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    Host L Todd Wood interviews Michael Daugherty, creator of The Justice Society to help victims of the Administrative State, and the man who filed 'Daugherty vs Raffensperger' election fraud case in GA.

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    Cynthia Down

    Nice job - donated. It's important to support free speech and actual journalism in this country. We need you! Great interview.

    Tamara Thomas

    Regarding Daugherty & Trivesa board of director Wesley Clark,anything to do with Clark is tied heavily to the Stephens family out of Arkansas. Warren & Jackson Stephens. Long history there and connected to the Clintons. I’ll be reading his book but this might be an interesting side story. And, I found this same company went after Julian Assange. Very very interesting...


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