• 'Impossible': Analysis Of 950 Military Mail-In Ballots In GA Show 100% Went To Biden

    May 24, 2021
    'Impossible': Analysis Of 950 Military Mail-In Ballots In GA Show 100% Went To Biden
    Army Chief of Staff George W. Casey Jr. and Fort Benning Commanding General Maj. Gen. Michael Ferriter, greet Soldiers with C Company, 1st Battalion, 19th Infantry Regiment, 198th Infantry Brigade, during a break in training. Casey visited Fort Benning, Ga., Oct. 20, to observe the training

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    John Fredericks reveals an analysis of 950 military mail-in ballots in Georgia shows 950 — 100 percent — went to Joe Biden.

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    100%...I can't even get all my socks to pair up 100% on a couple loads of laundry. Those are awfully loyal military members to a potato. Maybe psyche evals are warranted - certainly 1 Trump guy slipped past the Deep State Democrats?


    One sentence, no citations of source to corroborate. Unless or until this statement is verified and attributed to an actual person who has actual knowledge and goes on record, this should NOT be considered a valid report.

    Leslie Anne

    Did you watch the video? He explains it.

    L Garou

    The phony baloney U.S. of Everything is Rigged, Illegal (or pending).

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