• Debbie Aldrich: Patriots Are Awake -Now It's Time For Action, With Paul Dragu

    June 18, 2021
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    Paul Dragu is Communications Director for The John Birch Society. He is an award-winning investigative journalist and former editor-in-chief of the Havre Herald.

    He is also the collaborative writer of Defector: A True Story of Tyranny, Liberty and Purpose.

    Paul was born in tyranny, in communist Romania in 1980. My father served two prison terms for failed defection attempts from that authoritarian hellhole. He wanted so badly to move his family to a place where we could live in freedom that he risked everything. Twice.

    Paul will also write some articles for The New American from time to time.

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    Debbie Aldrich

    Freedom Fighter, Political Activist, Former US Congressional Candidate, Writer, Foreign Policy & Political Analyst, Contributor to I24English, World Traveler, lived 6 yrs in Europe, 7 yrs in Middle East, Show Casing overlooked and under reported stories, Host of ‘Freedom’s Voice from Around the Globe’.
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    Love to see "Awake" vs. "Woke"


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