• Trump Stands Up As A Unifying Voice

    July 7, 2021

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    Progressive Naomi Wolf: Trump Stands Up As A Unifying Voice.

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    It was never 'about him'. President Trump is not a perfect man... no man is but for Jesus. However, in my 57 years on this planet I have never seen a better President. He has done so much good for all citizens of this country and it infuriates me when liberals continually bad-mouth him and spew the MSM rhetoric and propaganda lies. If the election hadn't been stolen I believe President Trumps second term would have been absolutely explosive in draining the swamp. His first term was to expose their evil. His second term would have been taking down the evil. Now that's a plan I can get behind.


    Next is OUR CLASS ACTION LAWSUIT when all the FRAD is UNCOVERED!!! #TRUMPWON #WeThePeople


    During his Presidency Trump DID indeed do many good things for America and Americans. Unfortunately for him and us, instead of draining the swamp, since he should have fired all the Obama holdouts as soon as his term started, he surrounded himself with them. And that was a major failure in swamp draining.

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