• Bioweapons Programs In The Works Targeting Your DNA

    July 21, 2021

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    MTG speaks to Steve Bannon on War Room Pandemic on China's bioweapons program and its desire to rule the world.

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    Asking for a friend

    Do they go along with the Newish space lasers that start forest fires?


    The progressive dream is DNA modification (even they realize Darwin is BS). Look at any Superhero genre. It's no coincidence that our progs bonded with China's tyrants and the world ends

    Lon Spector

    If you're a Deplorable, there isn't a shadow of a doubt.


    COVID-19 is not the first bioweapon. Lyme disease is by far the worst bioweapon that was mutated and unleashed from Plum Island, NY. It is a huge pandemic that no one knows or talks about.

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