• LIVESTREAM 9PM EST: Debbie Aldrich With Mitchell Gerber, L Todd Wood, China's Human Right's Violation, Wuhan Leak Cover Up

    August 3, 2021
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    Mitchell Nicholas Gerber, South African Born America Activist investigating China’s Organ Harvesting Cash Crop.

    L. Todd Wood Publisher of CDM.Press Former USAF Pilot, Author, Writer

    The Global Media Company Funded By The Common Man!  You Won't Get Anywhere Else What You Get From CDMedia! Donate!  


    Debbie Aldrich

    Freedom Fighter, Political Activist, Former US Congressional Candidate, Writer, Foreign Policy & Political Analyst, Contributor to I24English, World Traveler, lived 6 yrs in Europe, 7 yrs in Middle East, Show Casing overlooked and under reported stories, Host of ‘Freedom’s Voice from Around the Globe’.
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