• There Was A 'Poison Pill' In The Data At Lindell's Cyber Symposium

    August 12, 2021

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    Image by Kai Stachowiak

    Col Phil Waldron outlines development.

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    Ron Halfhill

    The rats are getting scared of the truth being exposed, eh?


    Praying for Mike and the others. Had no idea it was getting this bad. Here I thought they were starting not to care anymore.


    Mike and the others are all in my prayers. The devil hates the truth and he will fight those who expose it....
    "When I am afraid, I will put my trust and faith in you" Psalms 56:3 Yes, Goliath may be present, but God is faithful and he
    gives Victory...we just have to throw the stone, and you have! We are with you, Mike, keep doing what God has given you the opportunity of accomplishing!

    Victoria A Earls

    yes I agree they know that we know!!


    Their actions is called breaking the law.

    Come on man!

    Put up $5M for anyone who proves the data is garbage. Data turns out (as we all knew) to be garbage. $5m disappears. Then you say “it was a poison pill that killed the data”. LOL. Convenient, and…BS


    Mike looks injured to me. In pain, pale, having trouble standing.

    And if it's what Col. Waldron says... He's a straight shooter. I believe him.


    Dr Siva's 4%:
    Dr Frank demonstrated that an algorithm based on the 2010 census changed the vote.
    Let’s assume that program was installed prior to the election and not via the method being examined at the symposium.
    We must assume the cheaters took a lot of other factors into account in development of their overall plan.
    They miscalculated the Trump turnout radically.
    They did not have time to calculate and transmit a different percentage for each county.
    Using their assets all over the world they gave them one directive, 4%.
    I would guess they determined that was enough to save the original plan other than the number of ballots. We all know about that scramble.
    Finally, he said the Chinese are too smart than to do something so simple. Well, as stated above there was not time to get elaborate and it is my contention it ain’t the CCP. O sure they are part of the global corporatists, THE VENETIAN PARTY, but as War Room has pointed out in the past it was former CIA Director President George Bush that save the CCP.
    In short, THIS IS A CIA OPERATION on behalf of their boss, THE VENETIAN PARTY.
    This fraud has to be addressed in 2 parts:
    The original plan.
    And the scramble to adjust for the miscalculation of the Trump turn out.

    mark allen poyhonen

    they should print sections of the data and give it to experts

    The Liberator

    Excellent suggestion. They can't afford, from a publicity perspective, to only blame a "poison pill" for failing to investigate the data captures.

    Merica 2020

    The data captures became less relevant when they got the two images to compare side by side. Once fraud is proven that evidence is beyond a reasonable doubt, it's game over. Now All 50 States with Full Transparency do Full Forensic Audits of ballots, Voting Machines, Routers used during the 2020 Election.

    Merica 2020

    Nothing to hide so let's do it. The most secure election in American History? "So Prove It" Not tell Us to Trust You and the Results as You Say they are.. That's Crooked. So Shine the Light of Freedom on the 2020 Election and Prove to the World, the 2020 Election with Full Forensic Audits of ballots, Voting Machines, Routers used during the 2020 Election.


    An example of the fraud authors effort to keep in a black box the sofware methods and the identity of the central computers that have changed the numbers in order to capture in equations the precincts numbers, in this way producing the county winning percentage for the must win candidate.

    The same equation in all the county's precincts, produces the phenomenon that all the precincts aggregates and their components of different categories of voting numbers, from a county, seat on a plane surface, meaning that the aggregates are linked together in a surface equation. So that there are no fluctuation out of the computer predetermined flat winning surface for a county.

    See the discovered county surfaces in tha papers of the mathematician Edward Solomon .


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