• Episode 10-Reclaiming The Republic-Elana Fishbein, No Left Turn

    July 26, 2022
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    American Conversation's Co-Host, Christine Dolan, interviews Dr. Elana Fishbein, Founder and President of the national grassroots movement No Left Turn in Education across America. NLTE is taking on school boards and legislators, who are implementing policies that indoctrinate young children on sex, critical race theory, and continue to chip away at parental rights.

    Maryland's Montgomery County Public School is requiring teachers and administration to lie to parents when students express some gender identity information. But, their Montgomery County policy goes further. The guidelines are promoting a re-education program for parents who do not support their young children's choices.

    The teachers are not to communicate to the parents if their children refer to themselves with a different pronoun or name at school that is different to the names chosen by their parents, or if the students choose a different gender than their biological sex.

    As stated in their guidelines, the parents are not to be informed because it may breach the children's federal privacy laws of confidential medical information, even though the children are minors, and the parents pay their medical bills, and are the legal guardians of the children.

    "Prior to contacting a student's parent/guardian, the principal or identified staff member should speak with the student to ascertain the level of support the student either receives or anticipates receiving from home," states the guideline.

    The policy is not practiced in every country across Maryland.

    "Not in Queen Anne's County," wrote Gordana Schifanelli to CDMedia.

    Schifanelli is the Maryland republican Lt. Gov. candidate running with republican Gubernatorial candidate Dan Cox, who beat overwhelmingly Kelly Schultz last week.

    Schifanelli rose to fame for challenging the Queen Anne School school board in Maryland over critical race theory and sexual indoctrination.

    This interview is part of a series — American Conversations – Reclaiming the Republic.

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    Christine Dolan

    Christine Dolan is a seasoned Investigative Journalist, television producer, author, and photographer. She is Co-Founder of American Conversations whose format focuses on in-depth analysis of critical issues about “the story behind the headlines.”
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