• Paralympian Oksana Masters Unveils the "Hard Parts" - You Won't Believe What She Shares!

    March 4, 2023
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    In this video, Paralympian Oksana Masters shares her "Hard Parts" with you - the parts of her life that most people wouldn't want to be told to the world. From her abuse in a Ukranian orphanage to her recovery from both of her legs being amputated, Masters opens up about her life in a way you won't believe. Masters, the most accomplished winter Paralympic athlete in the United States with 17 medals across four summer and winter sports, was born in 1989 in the shadow of Chornobyl's nuclear plant. She suffered multiple birth defects caused by radiation. However, when Masters discusses her intense emotional and sensitive experiences, she reveals a deep, dark place inside herself. As a young girl with birth parents who had abandoned her, she experienced terror and pain. "I was constantly afraid of the consequences of crying," she explains. "Nothing good ever came from crying in that orphanage. So, even in the toughest moments, you learn to laugh instead of cry." The Hard Parts is an eye-opening and inspiring book about one woman's journey through hardship and determination. Masters shares her story in a conversational style, and her message will touch your heart. If you're looking for an inspiring video, then check out our interview!

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    John R. Miles

    John R. Miles is renowned globally as a leader, speaker, educator, and veteran's advocate, specializing in intentional behavior change, leadership, and personal mastery. He is the founder and CEO of Passion Struck and hosts one of the top health podcasts, Passion Struck with John R. Miles. His mission is to empower individuals to live intentional lives, celebrate their successes, and recognize their importance in the world. He reaches millions of people annually through his social media posts, podcast, and YouTube channels, enabling them to enhance their personal responsibility, productivity, creativity, and mastery. If you would like to read more of John's articles, you can do so either on medium or his personal blog. https://medium.com/@JohnRMiles https://johnrmiles.com/blog/ Here is link to the podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/passion-struck-with-john-r-miles/id1553279283
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