Beijing Would Love To Split The Union

The corrupt American Leftist media is doing a better job of destroying the country that Vladimir Putin or Xi Jinping could ever dream of. That is exactly why we believe China, and other globalist forces, are behind the anti-American propaganda being spewed from the seditious media cabal in the United States.

We're talking about all the usual players -- The New York Times, Washington Post, CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC, LA Times, USA Today, et cetera.

Yesterday the NYT crossed the rubicon of openly supporting severing the union of the United States of America. You know, that thing we fought a civil war over where 700,000 Americans died.

You can read the New York Times secession propaganda here.

Since the fall, and split, of the Soviet Union and the defeat of communism during the Cold War, Marxist forces have dreamed of doing the same thing to America. They are making significant progress on their goal.

We have written often recently how we believe this virus outbreak is not accidental, and entirely too coincidental.

Trump At War With The New Confederacy

This Is All Just A Little Too Convenient…

We Already Are In A Civil War…Just Using WMD Instead Of Lead Balls

These traitorous media outlets need to be held accountable for their behavior. We only hope the Trump administration has the will to actually do so.