• The New Domestic War On Terror Is Coming Against Trump Supporters

    January 20, 2021
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    The last two weeks have ushered in a wave of new domestic police powers and rhetoric in the name of fighting “terrorism” that are carbon copies of many of the worst excesses of the first War on Terror that began nearly twenty years ago. This trend shows no sign of receding as we move farther from the January 6 Capitol riot. The opposite is true: it is intensifying.

    We have witnessed an orgy of censorship from Silicon Valley monopolies with calls for far more aggressive speech policing, a visibly militarized Washington, D.C. featuring a non-ironically named “Green Zone,” vows from the incoming president and his key allies for a new anti-domestic terrorism bill, and frequent accusations of “sedition,” “treason,” and “terrorism” against members of Congress and citizens. This is all driven by a radical expansion of the meaning of “incitement to violence.” It is accompanied by viral-on-social-media pleas that one work with the FBI to turn in one’s fellow citizens (See Something, Say Something!) and demands for a new system of domestic surveillance...

    To read more visit Glenn Greenwald at Substack.

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    The US government is a diseased patient with so many fatal afflictions from which it can never recover. In its death throes, it can do nothing but sap our remaining energy and resources in futile attempts to 'keep it alive.' It is already the walking dead, and our refusal to embrace this reality will do little more than prolong our collective suffering. The sooner we realize this, the sooner we can begin building anew, with a very long list of 'what not to do's' next time around.


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