• How DJT Lost The White House, Chapter 5: Agitation & Chaos (January 6 – 20)

    February 8, 2021

    Patrick Byrne A concerned citizen who has been hunting the oligarchy and Deep State since 2004.

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    Reprinted with permission

    What happened on the afternoon of January 6 is the worst thing that could have happened for the Freedom Movement. Millions of people had descended on DC to protest the theft of a national election and to support people who were standing up for the truth. However, in the course of their protest, Goons stormed the Capitol. Five people died as a result. One woman was shot unnecessarily by police, two others died from heart attack and getting crushed in a mob, and one police officer was killed in a way that remains unclear: “Media reports have been conflicting — unnamed law enforcement sources initially told outlets Sicknick was bludgeoned in the head by a fire extinguisher, while others speaking on condition of anonymity countered those claims, arguing there was no immediate evidence showing that Sicknick suffered any blunt force trauma” (“A month after Capitol riot, autopsy results pending in Officer Brian Sicknick death investigation“, Fox, February 8 2021).

    The same Mainstream Media that (over the course of 2020) described as “mostly peaceful protests” the actions of Antifa and Black Lives Matter killing 33 police, injuring another 700 police, and burning thousands of businesses, has portrayed these events at the Capitol as the greatest tragedy to hit America since Pearl Harbor. It is nice to know there is some form of Goonism in politics still objectionable to the Mainstream Media.  Myself, I eschew all political violence, not just ones convenient for me to denounce.

    There are two ways to look at what happened on that fateful afternoon at the Capitol. I think they are both true, though which is more true is, at the moment, anyone’s guess.

    The Party Line Explanation is this: splinter elements (200-400 people) of the millions of protesters decided to storm the Capitol and ransack it. Given that this Party Line explanation has been repeated ad nauseum by a supine and obedient press, and is currently the object of an impeachment of a man who is no longer an officeholder (go figure), I will not spend time developing this interpretation. But I do not mean to discount it, either.

    The Alternative Explanation is more subtle, and runs along the lines of my story about Moldova explained in, “A Message to Militias Across America Regarding the Goon-Left and Agents Provocateurs (Not the Lingerie)”. This explanation holds that the events were engineered as part of a psyop to discredit those who were skeptical of the election result, and to justify a police-state-style crackdown by the Goon-Left on the rest of America.

    What evidence is there to support this Alternative Explanation, that the ransacking of the Capitol was deliberately invited by those who would make hay from it politically? Let us review the evidence:

    On January 12, an article from the Independent Sentinel (“Pelosi-McConnell refused to increase security! Capitol emergency began before Trump finished speaking”, January 11), appeared describing a Washington Post article from the previous day.

    The Washington Post reported late Sunday night that the outgoing Capitol Police Chief, Steve Sund, believes his efforts to secure the premises were undermined by a lack of concern from House and Senate security officials who answer directly to Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate leader Mitch McConnell.

    Then quoting from the WaPo:

    Two days before Congress was set to formalize President-elect Joe Biden’s victory, Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund was growing increasingly worried about the size of the pro-Trump crowds expected to stream into Washington in protest.

    To be on the safe side, Sund asked House and Senate security officials for permission to request that the D.C. National Guard be placed on standby in case he needed quick backup.

    But, Sund said Sunday, they turned him down…

    It was the first of six times Sund’s request for help was rejected or delayed, he said. Two days later on Wednesday afternoon, his forces already in the midst of crisis, Sund said he pleaded for help five more times as a scene far more dire than he had ever imagined unfolded on the historic Capitol grounds.

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    Besides the higher-ups preventing the police protecting the Capitol to increase their presence when asked, is there other evidence that suggests the occupation of the Capitol was to some degree invited?

    In this clip (“Capitol Police Allow Protesters to Reach the Capitol”) police can, in fact, be seen inviting protesters past the barricades:

    police can, in fact, be seen inviting protesters past the barricades:

    Then police stand aside and let the Capitol be assaulted (while patriotic bystanders ask them to stop it):

    Here are patriots catching on to what is going on and trying to stop the Antifa/BLM agitators themselves:

    Here one can clearly see someone inside the Capitol (before it has been penetrated) handing weapons to those outside the Capitol so they will be able to break their way in:

    Then in this clip (“Capitol police open doors for the protestors. They stand aside and invite them inside”) police do… exactly what the title claims:

    And this one (“Police open the doors of the capital and invite everyone in”):

    And this one (“DC Capital Police Lets Protestors Enter and Storm US Capitol Building”):

    Here a policeman is “overwhelmed” with invaders. Does anything look staged about this?

    And here is the famous Maga Shaman with eight photojournalists. Anything here looked staged?

    Here is an excellent “synch edit” showing a policeman taking careful aim and then shooting an unarmed (female) protester in the throat. She died.

    Interestingly, while the identity of the policeman who slowly and carefully took aim and shot the unarmed female protester in the throat has been guarded by the media, there are reports that this is he:

    If any rader has definitive information on that score, leave it in comments.

    If one looks carefully in that crowd of protesters, one spots this individual:

    His name is John Sullivan, and he is a Utah-based Antifa/BLM activist (“Utah Man with a History of Organizing Violent Antifa, BLM Protests, Was Inside the Capitol”). He was arrested for his actions in the Capitol that day, then released without charges once his political preferences were discovered.

    Does that seem odd? Not anymore.

    For those with 21 minutes to spare, I suggest watching this mini-documentary:

    So was the storming of the Capitol a disgrace? Yes. Was it also engineered and/or to some degree staged?

    Put me down as, “Undecided”.

    On the 7th of January, five minutes after the Senate had concluded its business and selected Biden to be President, DNI John Ratcliffe finally delivered his homework assignment (which had been due December 18). He opened it up with a rather dramatic and unequivocal statement: that his own report from the IC community he then oversaw inadequately reflected China’s role in affecting the US election, and notes that an accompanying Ombudsman’s report highlights the worst sin of which intelligence analysts can be accused: politicizing the intelligence product. DNI Ratcliffe’s letter (which the MSM has already flushed down the Orwellian Memory Hole) is so shocking I am going to quote the first 50% of it:

    Ratcliffe – Views on Intelligence Community Election Security Analysis

    Ratcliffe claimed that he had not wanted to deliver the report any earlier because it would have “politicized” the Constitutional process of selecting the next president that was then occuring. He was another DC Republican concerned about “optics”. Call me “crazy”, but myself, I believe the correct analysis would have been, “I should deliver this report on time so that the Constitutionally-stipulated process for selecting the next President is fully informed, and if that includes that the election involved foreign interference, particularly from China, I have an obligation to make sure that is known to those involved in that process.”

    Moving on….

    Sidney had left before January 6, but after the events of January 6, Mike Flynn, the cyber-ninjas, the dolphin-speakers, and I all prepared our goodbyes. We began drifting out of town to get on with our own lives.  Yet on the evening of January 7 I got a phone call at 10:30 PM, asking me to go over to Mayor Giuliani’s hotel, that he was requesting my presence. The intermediary said, “We are just about ready to hang up our gloves on this, but we want to talk to you about your ideas.” I put my shoes on and went over to Rudy’s hotel. When I got there, I found 8 people waiting in a suite. Rudy was there, along with the Commish, Mediocrity, a smart lawyer, and a handful of others. I sat down before Rudy and they repeated the request: they were ready to stop, but wanted to see if I had any ideas.

    As I started to answer Rudy began checking his phones again, literally fumbling with two or three of them again, reading his texts, etc. For the first time I did what I should have done two months earlier: I simply stopped talking. He said, “No no, go ahead.” I stayed silent and just stared at him. He said, “I can’t turn these off, I might get a call from the President.”

    “Then give them to” Mediocrity, I said, indicating the person to his left, and surprising myself at my rudeness. Then to Mediocrity: “Keep an eye on them and let Mayor Giuliani know if the President calls.”

    Rudy was startled, but put the phones down and slid them to Mediocrity. Just as I began again to speak, Mediocrity turned and began having a side conversation with someone in the next seat, and again I folded my hands, stared at Mediocrity, and kept my mouth shut. I had reached the point where I was preparing to say, “Who do you assholes think you are? You call me at 10:30 PM, tell me to come to your hotel to share my thoughts, then don’t even have the courtesy to conduct yourselves like adults and pay attention?” But as I opened my mouth, Mediocrity cut off the side conversation and faced me quietly. Everyone else in the room went quiet as well, and looked at me.

    In two months of dealing with that group, it was the first moment that they conducted themselves in a manner that normal business people (or even, “normal adults”) would conduct themselves. I realized that for the first time I had Rudy’s full attention, and not only that, I could see that it was the first time I had been with him in those two months that he was sober. There was no indication he had been drinking, no smell, no slurred speech. It was the Rudy Giuliani I remember from 30 years ago, prepared to take on the Mob, in command, focused.  The silence stretched on as I thought, then said:

    “These machines were sold to the public with a promise: as a fail-safe there would always be a paper ballots to use as a backup. If there was ever a time, now is the time. The FBI and CISA have both opined that our election came under foreign attack. We provided evidence of that as well. President Trump should find that there has been foreign interference, and on that basis send a federal force of US Marshalls, or National Guard, or DHS, or FBI, to examine paper ballots in the problematic six counties, and count them on livestream TV. If there are no gross irregularities, he should concede. But if he finds discrepancies of hundreds of thousands of ballots, as we think he may, he then has choices. He can recount the six states, or order the federal force to rerun the election in those 6 states. He might even still have it all done by January 20.”

    There was silence. After a few seconds the Commish stirred to speak. I turned to face him as he slid his hand away from his mouth, and stroked his chin. He nodded slowly, and grunted, “Yeah. Makes sense.” Mediocrity lit up, and the new lawyer on the scene, on my left, spoke up and began exploring the advantages of it aloud. Rudy chimed in, and within minutes they had it all worked out: it was narrow so it was not too objectionable, it generated an answer, and depending upon the outcome, it gave a route to Trump. I stayed another 30 minutes as they bounced the idea around with a spark of excitement growing. Finally they said they would be working on details and maybe even calling the President, and I took that as my cue to leave. I said goodbye to them, and put my coat on.

    As I turned to leave the Mayor came and shook my hand. Then he tapped my chest with his finger and said quietly, regretfully: “If only we had another month.”

    Truly, I almost blew up. I had watched two months slide by Mayor Giuliani and his team displaying no organization or progress. Watching them trying to get anything done was like watching half-a-dozen monkeys trying to fuck a football. But now I was hearing, “If only we had another month.” They could have had another decade and it would not have made a difference. They were the wrong people. Rudy because he is not technologically sophisticated, cannot understand a complex cyber-crime, and was frequently sloshed; a Mediocrity who was so bad we suspected had been sent to disrupt the effort; and others with their focus on a pot of cash that (at last report) was $300 million and growing.

    I walked the snow-covered midnight streets of Washington DC to my hotel, and finished packing for my departure.

    The next day, the 8th, I checked out, experiencing yet again at the disgust I feel every time I have affairs that take me to DC. Disgust at the people, their thinking, their sense of what counts as accomplishment (bureaucrats measure their output within the paradigm of thwarting other factions, not in anything that normal people would count as “accomplishment”), at the staggering cost to the country of DC, at the staggering wealth that has accumulated there (cf., “DC Suburbs Now Contain 7 Of America’s 10 Richest Counties,” Slate, September 2012). It has become Hunger Games without the archery. But there were people I had gotten to know over the previous several months, had grown to like and respect, and I had opportunity to visit with most of them individually and say goodbye.

    I returned to my home in Utah by Saturday the 9th feeling under the weather, but intent on writing the story that you have been reading in these installments. By the next day I realized I had picked something up, and on the morning of Monday, January 11, I tested positive for Covid, as I had come to suspect. I took it easy for a few days with a fever of 101, still brushing it off, telling myself that, “On a Flu Scale of 1-10, this is a 2. They shut down the world for this?” I woke Thursday, January 14, feeling almost fine, with a temperature back under 100. I thought I was through it. But by afternoon I began feeling ill again, and within an hour my temperature was 105.4. I barely made it to a hospital, and when I did they put me on monoclonal antibodies due to risk factors too numerous and depressing to list. Dealing with that and the Covid Fog that followed cost me over a week.

    Near the end of that, on January 20, on the day that Biden was sworn in as President, I got two phone calls from two different Trump White House staffers. They wanted to tell me a story before they left the White House for the last time. The story they told me overlapped and precisely matched in all details. I will relate it here.

    On January 18, some loyal staffers had been visiting with Trump in his office for what was supposed to be a 10 minute goodbye. But the discussion had turned to the election, and before long Trump was rehashing the decisions he had made, wondering where he had made mistakes. The subject turned to Sidney, Mike, and me, and the plan we had brought the White House. Trump walked through it with these staffers for 20 minutes, I was told, before it clicked for him. “That’s it?” He asked angrily. “That’s all Byrne wanted to do? Count paper ballots in six counties?” Trump excitedly explored the idea, saw how simple it would be, and even brought up the possibility that it might not be too late, with his last 48 hours in office, to cause it to happen. The meeting dragged on well over an hour, the two sources told me, and they left with Trump fired up about the idea, with instructions given to them that they should figure out that afternoon a way that it could be executed in the last two days he had as President. But an hour later their office got a phone call: the President had had further consultations with senior staff, had been dissuaded, and the younger staffers were instructed to drop the idea.


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    All the President's Men. The President is way to good for the amateurs and God knows, compromised senior staff around him perhaps. They were the wrong people to have tackled this big complex issues that now is costing the country (and the world) everyday that the Biden regime is in existence. Worst of all, the senior leadership prevented the cavalry that will save the country to have a meeting with the President. They were the gatekeepers who cost this country a lot by the day, but maybe they personally gained some. President Trump has been betrayed too often, too much that he seemed to have not even trusted his own instincts that much anymore and just trusted the familiar voices.
    I wish Byrne was working at the White House and was President Trump's close confidante at the very beginning. The leader of the free world needs another like-minded CEO to strategize with. Instead, the President had politician Pence, who've grown exactly as Byrne described as a DC bureaucrat in the DC swamp.
    Going forward, I hope the President should break bread with Patrick, and keep him close for any decisions, business, politics, etc. I think they will click better and hopefully, there will be a next time soon to save the country (and the world).

    Kevin Nicholson

    Amen - well said. Godspeed.

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