• BOOK REVIEW: The Deep Rig, By Patrick Byrne

    March 8, 2021
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    The Deep Rig, By Patrick Byrne

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    As someone who was also aware of what happened in Washington, D.C. after November 3rd of last year, up until the inauguration of the illegitimate occupant of The White House on January 20th, I can tell you this book is spot on. But beware, read it only if you want the truth.

    Can you handle the truth?

    Former Overstock CEO Patrick Byrne has been fighting the Deep State and its Wall Street enablers for a decade. You can read about his trials and tribulations during this effort on his website: Deep Capture.

    However, The Deep Rig deals specifically with this entrepreneur's efforts to prevent the coup against America which is still unfolding as we write these pages.

    Byrne writes on his website, This started with the 6 installment you may have read on the website. Yet those installments were more or less first drafts. I cut them up, rearranged the flow to be more logical, then kept adding details, pieces of proof, backstories, and previously unknown but important details (e.g., what went on backroom with Pence) that appear nowhere else but are a part of history. In the end, it wound up being being 10 chapters.

    The book gives a fascinating look into an American who spent his own money and time, organized a 'resistance' to the election fraud, and did everything he could to 'stop the steal' before Joe Biden assumed power.

    For instance, you'll learn how Byrne, Sidney Powell, and General Michael Flynn decided to get to President Trump in The White House and provide a plan to stop the coup, despite having no access. You'll learn how the President's advisors slithered like snakes around him, providing bad advice and preventing the corruption from being uncovered before it was too late.

    You'll read Byrne's thoughts on Rudy Giuliani, and the President's legal team.

    But most importantly, you'll learn in detail about the foreign interference that cost President Trump a second term...a cyber attack that has done more damage to the republic than Pearl Harbor or 9/11.

    But beware, the truth is hard to take, but it can and will set you free.

    You can buy and download the ebook here. It's only $4.99.


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