March 19, 2022
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    Image by JamesAnon

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    On March 12th I headlined Ukraine Thanks Biden For $13 Billion By Attacking Critical US And EU Infrastructure showing how Ukraine was extorting US and EU companies to comply with its ramp-up to NATO participation in its defense.

    Ukraine is officially attacking infrastructure like the NY Stock Exchange and causing havoc to the American economy to get listed companies to stop business in Russia and support Zelensky’s lobbying efforts for WWIII.

    Congressional Democrats are fully behind this effort stemming from Ukraine’s two large lobbies -- the Ukrainian Congressional Committee of America and the Ukrainian World Congress which gives marching orders to Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland. Canada is a large funder of these efforts.

    By reacting to the above article, Ukraine felt forced to disclose to Ukraine’s IT Army participants they are active combatants under Ukrainian control. Read the following carefully. I’ll do the expansion soon. What it means is the teenagers in the US Ukraine recruited from mostly Democratic households have the status of an ISIS terrorist.

    Americans attacking US infrastructure for a foreign government are terrorists and combatants under international and domestic law.

    Once positively ID’d, which isn’t as hard as they’ve been led to believe, they and Ukraine donors (who hold the same status) can be treated like the above-mentioned ISIS member.

    Let’s be clear that at least legally in the eyes of a court, someone can walk up to your 15 year old, double-tap, and wait for police. Ukraine didn’t promise 70 virgins did they?

    Long before this action started, the people behind it rewrote the gold standard for defense and prosecution to protect their volunteers but neglected to update again this time.

    This is how unthinking Zelensky’s Ukraine is toward the welfare of American kids. Zelensky branded them with the terrorist status that doesn’t disappear until 6 months after they’ve been ID’d on the qualification they did no damage.

    Obama, Clinton, Biden, Harris, Pelosi, Schiff, and the entire cast are responsible for this turn of events and are trying to turn the buildup to WWIII into a midterm and 2024 election strategy.

    Should foreign governments get the opportunity to rope American kids into this at all and quite literally endanger them? Ask Freeland and Zelensky about that. American kids are worth saving from this regardless of their parent’s politics. 

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    George Eliason

    George Eliason is an American journalist living and working in Donbass. He provided some of the earliest news coverage at the beginning of the Ukraine conflict and some coverage from the frontline in the Ukrainian civil war as well as analysis of the conflict. Eliason was noted by the New York Times, 60 Minutes, and the Heritage Foundation's Foreign Policy Magazine as the earliest and a primary source of information about Ukrainegate, Obamagate, and the coup against Donald Trump. He has been interviewed by the New York Times, RT, Press TV, and the BBC. His articles on the Intel community and agency overstep has been noted by Project Censored as the second most important stories with national signifigancein 2018 for going beyond WikiLeaks coverage on the dangers private Intelligence companies present to national security and world peace. Eliason has been been published in Modern Diplomacy, the Security Assistance Monitor, Washingtonsblog Consortium News, OpedNews, and Zero Hedge among many other publications.
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    The societal rejects and dummies don't bother reading or researching. If a thing looks good and smells good, they'll jump in without hesitation then blame someone else later when it doesn't work out. Same goes for those who actually volunteered to help 'defend' sumthin-sumthin---without doing any research nor exercising any good reasoning skills---then come to find out later they can never leave the sumthin-sumthin after all. Believe when it's said (credibly) that this current puzzle-house administration will NOT offer any help when the chips are down.


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