• School Districts Give Constitution Same Treatment As Porn

    September 19, 2022
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    Today is Constitution Day, the day when we celebrate the document that created this nation and acknowledged and defended our God given freedoms.

    And that really bothers some leftists in this country. So much so that when various groups attempt to donate pocket sized Constitutions to each 8th grade student to school districts, the districts either stonewall them or turn them down.

    In fact, it is easier to get books that are considered inappropriate or even pornographic approved for these districts than it is to get a copy of the Constitution in the hands of 8th graders.

    I’m sure you are wondering how that can be true in a country that values its freedom and history.

    Sadly, it’s true.

    See that? It’s a box of Constitutions from the 917.org group. They were sent to a chapter of a Moms for Liberty for donation to their local schools in honor of Constitution Day. Here’s the response the attempted donation got:

    Good Morning (Name removed),

    Harford County Public Schools would like to thank Moms for Liberty for their offer to provide students with Pocket Constitutions. However, students in 8th grade already have access to the U.S. Constitution in its entirety through the textbook, the text embedded in the curriculum, and via online resources linked in the curriculum.

    The Pocket Constitution has not been approved for distribution to students in the Harford County Public Schools.

    Our recommendation would be to donate the Pocket Constitutions to either the Harford County Public Library branches or to the Harford County Education Foundation to make it accessible to students and to the public at large.

    Best regards,

    Administrative Support Specialist
    Office of Family and Community Partnerships 

    You may not know that there is a law that says all schools that receive Federal money are required to teach the Constitution on Constitution Day, or if it falls on a weekend, during Constitution Week, September 17 to 23. So, accepting free pocket Constitutions for 8th graders would be a no brainer.

    You might think this is no big deal. After all, the school district said the Constitution was available to students online, text embedded in the curriculum and in textbooks. I think they missed the point. Allowing each child to have his/her own copy is completely different. Maybe schools have a larger agenda.

    To provide a contrast, let’s look at some of the books that are in the hands of students in different states/counties:

    While it’s not clear which approval process each district may use for books in media centers and classrooms, the books themselves contain not only inappropriate but sometimes pornographic content that describes sexual acts and pedophilia in great detail.

    In Texas, parents complained to their school board about this:

    Parents Continue Testifying Against Pornographic Books in School Libraries – Texas Scorecard

    Here is one of the comments from a parent:

     “In the last few weeks, parents across the district have discovered multiple books such as ‘Lawn Boy,’ ‘Gender Queer,’ and ‘Out of Darkness’ on the shelves of our school libraries. These books and others include X-rated pornographic pictures and illustrations and/or text descriptions of sex acts, with one book graphically describing two 10-year-old boys performing oral sex on each other and another describing in detail an adult molesting a child.”

    When these books were pointed out, the Superintendent said they were removed. This was a lie: “Teachers were told to stop hiding those books that were said to be removed and place them where students could find them.”

    Even when books were approved, the approval process was skewed in favor of pornography:

    “The [Community Curriculum Advisory Committee] reviewing the books was packed with activist teachers who were pushing pornographic books,” the citizen continued. “The books were filled with inappropriate materials and content that provided materials for us to investigate. All this information came from teachers.”

    This was all lost on one school board trustee:

    “However, Leander ISD board trustee Gloria Gonzalez-Dholakia said removing those sexually graphic materials from children’s school libraries was stealing an opportunity from them.”

    “It was less about the books and more about creating a political movement for something else,” she said. “What was lost in this political movement was the ability of our students to enjoy reading and to see somebody that looks like them or sounds like them in a book. That opportunity was stolen from them.”

    Apparently, being able to see and read pornography is an opportunity for children this woman promotes. Not to be outdone, Montgomery County in Maryland isn’t just making sexually charged books available, they are making them required reading for all students entering 6th grade:

    Not only is this one of the most insipid, poorly written books I’ve ever read, it’s a book that portrays all white heterosexuals as villians. In fact if you read this book, everyone is gay or transgender. A child reading this book would probably want to join in the “fun.”


    Back to the Constitution. In a different state, Pennsylvania there is something more troubling. Forty-eight hours after Moms for Liberty donated over 1,000 pocket Constitutions to North Penn School District’s 8th graders, they were told:

    “I regret to inform you that I was informed by our Superintendent that while he is thankful for the donation, unfortunately they cannot distribute them due to a board policy that restricts the distribution of content that is not part of the curriculum.

    Wow. Not only do they not want the pocket Constitutions, they don’t even teach the Constitution in their schools. Looks like they are in violation of Federal law and should lose Federal funds! Here’s the law:

    “Each educational institution that receives Federal funds for a fiscal year is required to hold an educational program about the U.S. Constitution for its students on September 17 (if it falls on a weekend; it should be held in the previous or next week).”

    More info is available here:

    Constitution Day and Citizenship Day (ed.gov)

    What would keep districts from following Federal law and teach the Constitution? Why the push to keep donated pocket copies out of the hands of public-school 8th graders? Why do they find inappropriate books about sexual activity more acceptable for students?

    For some school systems, approval is merely a matter of control over EVERYTHING that is distributed in the schools. In my career, it came up all the time. Every flier, note, etc. had to be cleared by administration in order to assure nothing given out could get the district in political or legal trouble. One person was usually given the authority to approve items and it usually didn’t take but a day or two, but hours.

    Some districts want everything cleared through committees and boards, making approval cumbersome and slow. Again, control. That’s understandable in this lawsuit happy society.

    This is different. All it takes is one glance at the pocket Constitutions to see that they are fine and merely copies of our fundamental documents. It should be a straightforward almost instantaneous decision.

    If all people in the government schools believed in this document, it would be. But we need to face facts. There are groups both in and out of the education bureaucracy who don’t believe in this document and don’t want kids to know about it. They want it replaced by a twisted version of woke ideology that portrays our country as evil and bad. Because they hate the “old White men” who wrote the Constitution, they think it is a flawed oppressive document that students shouldn’t study. Remember, these are the same people who think that a book that shows all heterosexual White men as bad should be read by all sixth graders in their district or that students should read and see graphic depictions of sexual activity.

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    Interesting, especially since the Constitution protects the rights of all the advocacy groups to exist, have free speech, and live their lives. In other countries, most of them would be in jail or dead.

    In fact, they will hide behind this Constitution next week when they celebrate “Banned Books Week.” The point will be made that the banishment of any book, pornographic or not is a VIOLATION OF FREE SPEECH. Forget what is best and healthy for the children, the agenda and indoctrination supersede all.

    Unfortunatey because of bitterness, ignorance or outright hatred, they won’t see their hypocrisy.

    They prefer to teach our kids about sexual practices that should be reserved for adults, how to question their gender, and that dividing people by religion, race or sexual preference is okay. They want to choose good and bad based on outward appearance or political affiliation. They want kids to question the love of parents and families so government becomes the family.

    And if government is the family, the religion, the god, our Constitution gets in the way of total compliance. And they definitely don’t want that.

    My headline is wrong. Districts don’t give the Constitution the SAME treatment as porn. They actually treat it as more dangerous.

    On this Constitution Day, they need to know we won’t give in to that. Ever.


    Jan Greenhawk

    Jan Greenhawk is a former teacher and school administrator for over thirty years. She has two grown children and lives with her husband in Maryland. She also spent over twenty-five years coaching/judging gymnastics and coaching women’s softball.
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