October 5, 2022

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    Guest post by Garland Favorito of VoterGA.org

    As evidence of 2020 election fraud, errors and irregularities continues to mount, many in the national "fake" news media have constantly been forced to revise their false dialogue. Since the election, their claims have been softened from "there is no evidence of election fraud" to "there is no widespread evidence of election fraud" to "there is no widespread evidence of election fraud that could alter the presidential race results". All of these claims are false and here are enough facts to prove it:

    The 2nd interim Wisconsin Office of Special Counsel (OSC) report, compiled for the Wisconsin Assembly by Michael Gableman, the former Wisconsin Supreme Court Chief Justice, tells the story of how the 2020 election was stolen with a bribery scheme. The Gableman Report determined that Mark Zuckerberg and his wife Priscilla Chan spent $330 million to establish the Center for Technology and Civic Life (CTCL) which they staffed with policy director David Plouffe, the former Barrack Obama campaign manager who authored a book entitled "A Citizens Guide to Beating Donald Trump". The bribes were given to counties, primarily in battleground states in exchange for:

    * Implementing partisan get out the vote efforts,

    * Installing unsecure drop boxes for ballot traffickers and,

    * Accepting complimentary technical resources to run county voting systems.

    Counties accepting money were obligated to return it if they did not follow the guidelines, therefore, those counties illegally subordinated their election operations to a bribery scheme run at the discretion of Zuckerberg's CTCL. Zuckerberg also gave another $70 million to David Becker's Center for Election Innovation Research (CEIR) which attempted to block all of the OSC's discovery requests for its election investigation. Becker had previously been fired by the U.S. Dept. of Justice for an intense, inflammatory anti-Republican bias prior to forming CEIR.

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    In Wisconsin, the legislature gave its 10 electoral votes to Joe Biden based on a 20,682 popular vote margin without resolving these examples of widespread fraud and illegalities documented by the Gableman report and the Wisconsin Center for Election Justice:

    * Over 200,000 ballots were placed into drop boxes that the Wisconsin Supreme Court confirmed are illegal;

    * The Legislative Audit Bureau found that 57,000 voters who registered at the time they voted on Election Day could not be verified as required by law [pg22];

    * The nursing home population of 92,000 was inflated to a 100% turnout in 66 homes in three of the largest counties. The total injection of invalid ballots from nursing homes was likely more than enough invalid ballots to exceed the 20,682 margin of victory;

    * The Racine County Sheriff recommended charges against the Wisconsin Election Commission members (WEC) for nursing home fraud;

    * Michael Spitzer Rubenstein, a CTCL partner from the National Vote at Home Institute, was allowed to establish a secret hidden Wi-Fi network access to control Green Bay's ES&S voting system remotely;

    * CTCL partisan political operatives were illegally given Fast Identity Online keys (FIDO) for read-write access to the Wisconsin voter registration system;

    * Milwaukee Co. Elections Commission head Clair Woodall-Vogg gave CTCL's Rubenstein daily updates from the Wisconsin voter database until Rubenstein informed her that he obtained (illegal) real time access. One such update would cost any member of the public $1,250;

    * WEC head Meagan Wolfe has prevented removal of 20,000 unqualified voter roll entries for individuals who have been issued incompetency orders.

    * There are 7 million voter roll entries for Wisconsin's 5 million citizens and under 4 million eligible voters including 556,000 entries for people over the age of 104.

    * A 4:07am Email on Nov, 4th, the day after the election, from the Election Group's Ryan Chew, a CTCL partner, confirmed the steal of the Wisconsin election: "Damn, Claire, you have a flair for drama, delivering just the margin needed at 3:00 am. I bet you had those votes counted at midnight, and just wanted to keep the world waiting."


    In Arizona, the legislature gave 11 electoral voters to Joe Biden based on the original 10,154 popular vote margin without resolving these examples of widespread fraud and illegalities identified by the State Senate authorized Maricopa County audit:

    * The audit determined over 50,000 illegal ballots were cast based on a variety of reasons;

    * 9,041 more ballots were processed than sent to voters.

    * 4,463 people who voted in Maricopa County did not live there;

    * 2,592 extra ballots were inserted into the results during duplication of damaged ballots;

    * 4,463 people voted in Maricopa County although they did not live there;

    * 1,551 more ballots were cast than voters who voted;

    * A signature presence detection analysis performed by Dr. Shiva Ayydurai found that 4,499 ballot envelopes that were accepted did not have the presence of a signature;

    * The signature presence detection also identified 17,126 duplicate ballot envelopes were received and processed by the county;

    * The audit found that 284,412 digital ballot images necessary to tabulate results are missing or corrupted;

    * Logs show the election database was purged on Feb 2 at 5:14 pm the evening before a Pro V&V audit was scheduled to start and a video shows a contractor accessing the server exactly at that time;

    * Over a million election files were deleted from various election data devices before the Arizona audit could begin;

    * A CyFir forensic report found that an election adjudication workstation had a redundant, bootable hard drive containing extraneous non-related data from three different states;

    * A subsequent forensic ballot analysis revealed numerous severe irregularities impacting far more votes than the original 10,154 vote presidential margin and to concluded that the election should have never been certified. The audit hearing and comprehensive reports below document many additional irregularities:

    * Audit Hearing;

    * Summary Chart;

    * Executive Summary and Recommendations;

    * Operations and Methodology;

    * Audit Result Details;

    * Analysis of Maricopa Co. False Claims


    In Georgia, the legislature gave its 16 electoral votes to Joe Biden based on an 11,779 popular vote margin without resolving these examples of widespread fraud and irregularities documented on the Legal, Events and Press Release tabs of VoterGA.org:

    * Six sworn affidavits of Fulton Co. counterfeit ballots (10s of thousands est.);

    * 17,724 more Fulton Co. votes than in person recount ballot images required to tabulate votes;

    * Drop box video surveillance representing 181,507 ballots destroyed in 102 counties;

    * Improper Chain of Custody forms for 107,000 ballots statewide (355,000 estimated missing);

    * 86,860 voters in 2020 have false registration dates prior to 2017 but were not on 2017 history file;

    * Over 1.7 million original ballot images are lost or destroyed in 70 counties despite state and federal law;

    * A VoterGA study found that none of 523,000 Fulton Co. 2020 ballot images used to tabulate the election results could be authenticated and most were electronically altered prior to certification;

    * The Senate Judiciary Subcommittee 2020 Election Report found that: "The oral testimonies of witnesses on December 3, 2020, and subsequently, the written testimonies submitted by many others, provide ample evidence that the 2020 Georgia General Election was so compromised by systemic irregularities and voter fraud that it should not be certified";

    * On a Nov. 4th NBC today interview, the morning after the election, Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger acknowledged that President Donald Trump had an insurmountable 103,750 vote lead with only 2% of 4.7 million votes (about 94,000) left to finish counting that day;

    * After stating "We don't guess" about the election results, SOS Raffensperger instead allowed another 200,000 phantom ballots to be entered into the results during the three days after the election and he certified 4.998 million votes.


    In Pennsylvania, the legislature gave its 20 electoral voters to Joe Biden based on an 80,555 popular vote margin without resolving these examples of widespread fraud and illegalities documented on the Resources, Reports/Media and County Info tabs at Audit the Vote PA:

    * The 2020 election was certified with 700,000 more votes than voters who voted in the election;

    * There are still 120,000 more votes than voters who voted in the 2020 election;

    * True the Vote Geo tracking data found that there were roughly 1,000 ballot traffickers operating in Philadelphia County;

    * True the Vote geo tracking projections estimate that the ballot traffickers injected 200,000 ballots into the Philadelphia election results through unsecure drop boxes;

    * The Pennsylvania Supreme Court illegally allowed mail-in ballots to be received up to three days after the election;

    * Secretary of State Kathy Boockvar instructed counties not to verify signatures on mail-in ballot envelopes;

    * Dozens of CTCL operatives and highly partisan organizations have read-write access to add voters to Pennsylvania's voter registration system to add voter records;

    * Certified results for counties did not match canvassing findings 36-78% of the time when the basic questions were asked: "Did you vote in 2020?", "How many people are registered to vote at your address?" and "How many of those living here voted that you are aware of?"

    * Senator Doug Mastriano, Chairman of the Inter-Governmental Operations Committee initiated a sample forensic audit in three counties before Senate President Pro Tempore Jake Korman removed him from his chairmanship


    In Michigan, the legislature gave its 16 electoral votes to Joe Biden based on a 154,188 popular vote margin without resolving these examples of widespread fraud and illegalities documented by Michigan Citizens for Election Integrity Michigan election integrity sources:

    * A surveillance video shows a truck arriving in the TFC Convention Center at 3:30 am on the morning after election day with 61 bins of ballots estimated to contain over 18,000 ballots, 16,000 of which are still unsourced;

    * Later that day after the election, Wayne County election workers covered windows so observers would be unable to see votes being counted and they went on to give Biden a 332,000-vote margin, over double the statewide margin of 154,188;

    * The Wayne Co. election board refused to certify the election results because of the number of mail-in ballots received exceeded the number of applications sent by over 203,000 but reversed themselves after the Republican members who objected received death threats;

    * The Wayne Co. election board certified their results on the condition that Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson perform an audit that was never conducted;

    * A letter from the chair of the Senate Elections Committee to Senate colleagues acknowledged there are 800,000 ineligible voters on the Michigan voter rolls.

    * In Antrim County, the Dominion voting system made a 7,060-vote swap from Donald Trump to Joe Biden. It is not possible that the vote swap can be solely attributed to "human error";

    * Antrim County clerk Sheryl Guy admitted in a March 4, 2021, commission meeting to deleting voting system files that were necessary to conduct an audit but Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson falsely claimed an audit was conducted anyway.

    * Multiple forensic reports established through a lawsuit found a failure to apply current security updates as well as unsecure, generic User IDs and passwords;

    * A forensic report from the Allied Security Operation Group (ASOG) found:

    * The Dominion system had a 68% ballot processing error rate,

    * System log files had been deleted,

    * Redundant election projects that could be used for nefarious purposes,

    * A Cyber Ninjas forensic report found uncertified SQL server database software installed on the elections server;

    * A CyFir forensic report found wireless profiles and drivers were activated to use the native wireless chip set on the election management server motherboard when the Dominion system was installed;

    * Cybersecurity expert Jim Penrose found a wireless chip set installed on ES&S scanners despite vendor claims their systems have no wireless connectivity;

    * An affidavit from ASOG head Russell Ramsland states that 289,000 more ballots than possible were processed in a 2 ½ hour period on Election Night in four Precinct/Townships. This indicates mass electronic insertion of votes that may have offset the 154,000 Presidential vote margin;


    In reality, the entire 2020 Presidential election outcome was decided by secret counts in five counties of five battleground states, each riddled with the corruption previously described. Specifically, fraud and illegalities committed in Philadelphia Co. Pennsylvania, Wayne Co. Michigan, Milwaukee Co. Wisconsin, Fulton Co. Georgia and Maricopa Co. Arizona determined the 2020 Presidential election.

    A Georgia Senate Judiciary Sub-Committee and the Arizona audits flatly insist elections in their states should not have been certified. The Wisconsin Office of Special Counsel Report also urged the legislature to consider decertification while documenting overwhelming evidence of fraud. Thus, President Joe Biden did not earn the 37 electoral votes awarded to him by those legislatures. In reality, Biden's true total of electoral votes earned was not 306 but 269, less than the 270 needed for election. Thus, Joe Biden was not honestly and fairly elected as President of the United States.

    It is further clear all cheating that occurred in the five battleground states was conducted to prevent President Donald Trump from being re-elected. Given the massive amount of fraud and illegalities committed against the President in these states and their razor thin margins of victory, it is almost without doubt President Donald Trump justly deserved for the 37 electoral votes from these states to be added to his reported total of 232. At best that makes the real electoral count deadlocked at 269. In that case, the Presidential Election should have been decided by the state delegations of the U.S. House, each state having one vote according to the 12th Amendmen of the U.S. Constitution.

    In addition, the Wayne Co. Election Board refused to certify their election results until some of its members received death threats. Furthermore, the Pennsylvania Inter-Governmental Operations Committee attempted to audit the state's highly controversial election results and procedures before the Senate President Pro Tempore removed the committee chairman to stop the audit that would have exposed the corruption. This analysis provides convincing evidence that the massive fraud and illegalities committed in those states indicates that President Biden did not earn the 36 electoral votes awarded to him by their legislatures. Given that the fraud and illegalities were committed expressly to prevent President Trump from winning those states, it is highly likely that properly certified, audited and transparent election results would find that the real electoral margin is: Trump-305, Biden-233.

    The election fraud and illegalities outlined in this report have been the basis for multiple lawsuits. But cowardly judges have refused to review concrete evidence and ordered corrupt political dismissals instead of making honorable judicial decisions. For example, in Texas v. Pennsylvania et al, a majority of U.S. Supreme Court judges falsely found that: "Texas has not demonstrated a judicially cognizable interest in the manner in which another state conducts its elections". This erroneous conclusion ignores reality that a federal election was compromised by corruption that disenfranchised half of America's voters including Texas residents whose Constitutional rights the state of Texas sought to uphold.

    Such political decisions fuel the fake news media's "big lie" claiming there is no evidence of fraud that would change the outcome of the Presidential election. The evidence previously described exposes this treasonous lie that threatens to divide and destroy America. It stems from well-known, extreme media political bias against Donald Trump and it exudes an evil greater than the cheating itself.

    Garland Favorito,

    Co-founder VoterGA



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    Ben Colder

    There was election fraud then and there will be this go around they have it all set up the election will be rigged again the dem/communists have it all set up including false pools showing RINOs ahead then the day after the election the communists will have won and they will be going on about how the people love the communists when in reality the election is rigged once again.Hope I am wrong but I'm not


    This crap ain’t over, even if the GOP investigates and actually puts some Dems in prison Americans, true Americans are not going to let this crap slide. The GOP had better do a damn good job.


    Everyone with an IQ above their shoe size knows that the 2020 presidential election was rigged.
    Nasty Pelosi knows the election was rigged.
    Chuck U. Schumer knows the election was rigged.
    Shithead Schiff knows the election was rigged.
    The cheating, crooked DemocRATs know the election was rigged.
    Senile, little girl fondling Joe Biden knows the election was rigged. That is why he just stayed in his basement.
    The true American people know the election was rigged.
    The fake news lame stream left-wing lying media knows the election was rigged.

    Since Chuck U. Schumer called out Justice Kavanaugh by name and said, "I want to tell you, Kavanaugh, you have released the whirlwind and you will pay the price, you won't know what hit you" Maybe he should be investigated to see if he has any ties to the left-wing nut case that went to Kavanaugh's home to assassinate him.The loss of Justice Kavanaugh from the Court would be a gain for slimy democRATs and Chuck U. Schumer. It would not be a surprise if Nasty Pelosi is in on it as well.
    Will we see a hearing and investigation of Chuck U. Schumer and Nasty Pelosi? When will the Gestapo FBI drag Pelosi or Schumer out of bed in the early hours some morning?

    Frank Henry

    Sad to say ....ALL our elections (fed, state, local) are in fact down right
    defective (unconstitutional)...! The defects are wired into our unconstitutional
    election laws for the last 250 years or so.

    Our elected officials (fed, state, local) have enacted election laws that
    met/meets their wants and desires....with minimal to zero concers of
    the individual voters constitutional prior-rights of their "Full Voting Rights"...!

    Lets upgrade our constitutions and our election laws to match the voter's
    Rights......elsewise we will continue to have uncertain elections (fed, state, local).

    Thanks and Good Luck,

    Frank Henry


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