• It Looks Like Democrats Have Some Splainin’ To do

    December 14, 2020
    It Looks Like Democrats Have Some Splainin’ To do
    Publicity photo of Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz in I Love Lucy

    The release of the Dominion Voting Systems forensics report for Antrim County Michigan has a lot of Democrats quaking in their boots. How do you explain to Democratic voters you told Joe won that you cheated and lost?

    Although this is still playing out the report is damning in its findings. The missing server logs for 2020 go beyond the threshold of suggesting tampering.

    How will the DNC base react as new evidence headlines day after day until January 6 and they see the party of Biden slidin’ on systemic fraud charges?

    Will Democratic Party voters blame Donald Trump for the crime committed against them by their own party? If the DNC cheated, it means they didn’t trust Democratic voters and their vote didn’t matter.

    After the last two primaries when Hillary Clinton stole the party ticket from Bern’d Sanders, it shouldn’t come as a surprise.

    It Looks Like Democrats Have Some Splainin’ To do

    It’s easy to see why the SoS in Michigan worked so hard to suppress the evidence. Joe Biden mistakenly thought the evidence would never see the light of day and started dismissing the low brow help right away.

    Where did the ballot adjudication take place? What happens to Biden supporters when they find out their votes were sent overseas to other countries and modified? This is a serious question and thanks to the Trump presidency this will be answered.

    It Looks Like Democrats Have Some Splainin’ To do

    The question of Biden’s commitment to minorities plagued the election and BLM along with AntiFa burned cities to support the Democratic contender. It was only recently Biden made in clear in a discussion with the NAACP what he would not be doing for Black Americans.

    Thirty two days after the election BLM and real equal rights activists all know where they stand with Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.

    Thanks to team Trump, it doesn’t look like Mr. Biden is going to get the chance to alienate anyone else. It’s not what say when you need a favor, it’s what you do when you don’t.

    CDMedia is being de-platformed and obviously too effective! We Have Been First On The Antrim Story All Along! We need your support to put more reporters in the field! Help us here!  


    George Eliason

    George Eliason is an American journalist living and working in Donbass. He provided some of the earliest news coverage at the beginning of the Ukraine conflict and some coverage from the frontline in the Ukrainian civil war as well as analysis of the conflict. Eliason was noted by the New York Times, 60 Minutes, and the Heritage Foundation's Foreign Policy Magazine as the earliest and a primary source of information about Ukrainegate, Obamagate, and the coup against Donald Trump. He has been interviewed by the New York Times, RT, Press TV, and the BBC. His articles on the Intel community and agency overstep has been noted by Project Censored as the second most important stories with national signifigancein 2018 for going beyond WikiLeaks coverage on the dangers private Intelligence companies present to national security and world peace. Eliason has been been published in Modern Diplomacy, the Security Assistance Monitor, Washingtonsblog Consortium News, OpedNews, and Zero Hedge among many other publications.
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    Meh...the Democrats aren't really "quaking in their boots" because they know they'll get away with this, too! They were caught on camera adding suitcases of ballots in GA and nothing happened to any of them. This will simply be denied (with help from the MSM, the courts, and the FBI) and they'll move on with Biden's inauguration.

    rickey ricardo

    That's why Trump must declare a national emergency and martial law under the Insurrection Act of 1807 along with invoking Executive Orders:13848 and 13849 dated 9/12/18.

    What we have is a vast, criminal conspirarcy to treason and election fraud, we have the actual, out right, massive election fraud itself and, we have foreign interference, which can all be established through factual and scientific evidence and proved under the public scrutiney of televised, military trials and tribunes since our civilian state and federal courts, up to and including the Supreme Court appear unable and unwilling to forfill their constitutional duties.

    rickey ricardo

    That's why Trump must declare a national emergency and martial law under the Insurrection Act of 1807 along with invoking Executive Orders:13848 and 13849 dated 9/12/18.

    What we have is a vast, criminal conspirarcy to treason and election fraud, we have the actual, out right, massive election fraud itself and, we have foreign interference, which can all be established through factual and scientific evidence and proved under the public scrutiney of televised, military trials and tribunes since our civilian state and federal courts, up to and including the Supreme Court appear unable and unwilling to forfill their constitutional duties.

    I keep waiting for this to appear. If I submit it claims it's a duplicate. If ir's a duplicate where is it?


    So in other words, the will of the people has become irrelevant. Election outcomes are now determined by the media, the Democrat party under direction of the CCP, with 'elite' oligarchs acting on their behalf.


    Carapult. There you said it.

    Dose of reality

    So.....after a full, transparent, and public recount in Antrim are you finally ready to put this all to bed? I’m guessing no but hoping yes.


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