Taliban Humvee in Kabul, August 2021

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CDMedia has learned from multiple sources in the region the U.S. Government is possibly working to help the Taliban maintain the $83 billion in weaponry left behind after America's chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan.

The concept seems to be offering maintenance capability as an incentive to push the new Taliban government to modify its behavior when it comes to the treatment of women and the export of terrorism from the region, among other things.

The U.S. had a robust infrastructure set up in Central Asia and the Middle East to assist the now-defunct Afghan national government's transition to owning its own security as the United States withdrew forces.

This infrastructure many now be swinging into action to help the Taliban care for and keep operational all the military-grade weaponry left in Kabul and elsewhere.

After the 2021 US withdrawal from Afghanistan, Buzzard will lead Defense Security Cooperation Management Office Afghanistan in Qatar. He will administer funding and over-the-horizon aircraft maintenance support for the Afghan National Defense and Security Forces, also supporting the newly-formed US Forces Afghanistan Forward, in charge of American troops in Afghanistan. He assumed command in late July, writes Wikipedia.

"I am sure some body perhaps even the same team is working on a plan as one of the incentives to offer the interim Government in order to modify its behavior," declared one source in Pakistan.

CDMedia has received information from vehicle contractors familiar with the region that confirms this is indeed underway.

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